100 W
In this previous post , I detailed a pack build that required no soldering or welding of the cells. Based on some of the comments and a desire to improve the build, I promised to create a more simple build. Here it is.

Wheeeee! Only one screw per side!! (and three holding the top on.)
The pack is based on 18650 spacer blocks, formed bus bars (.308 wide x .010 thick), compression blankets (one for each side of the pack), and a solvent welded acrylic case.
The 186450 spacer blocks are pretty self evident so lets begin with the formed bus bars.

The dimples are made with a couple of light taps with a hammer on the punch.

View attachment 13

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View attachment 7
View attachment 6

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View attachment 3
Note in the end view that I trimmed the engagement tabs off the spacer block assemblies and left the tabs on the fabricated top extra long to lock the assembly in place and keep it from moving vertically. Also, note that the compression of the Poron foam blankets is set by the width of the sides and the length of the one spacer bar. I cut mine so that the foam would be compressed about 25%.

So, there you have it, a simple no solder/weld 18650 battery pack.
Updated 03/09/2014

moderator edit to add these links (with permission from snath):
"yet another solderless DIY battery pack via NIB's" (using magnets to hold busses against the cell tips)
Solderless compression pack, square PVC fencepost, ES member Idlemind
"18650 battery Kit development and discussion" (agniusm, 4 pages)
"18650 pack build using plastic battery holders" (from, 4 pages)
"DIY assembly kit for 18650 without spot welding/Soldering" (VRUZEND, 8 pages)
"N.E.S.E. the no solder module" (Agniusm, 2 pages)
In this previous post , I detailed a pack build that required no soldering or welding of the cells. Based on some of the comments and a desire to improve the build, I promised to create a more simple build. Here it is.

Wheeeee! Only one screw per side!! (and three holding the top on.)
The pack is based on 18650 spacer blocks, formed bus bars (.308 wide x .010 thick), compression blankets (one for each side of the pack), and a solvent welded acrylic case.
The 186450 spacer blocks are pretty self evident so lets begin with the formed bus bars.

The dimples are made with a couple of light taps with a hammer on the punch.

View attachment 13

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View attachment 8
View attachment 7
View attachment 6

View attachment 4
View attachment 3
Note in the end view that I trimmed the engagement tabs off the spacer block assemblies and left the tabs on the fabricated top extra long to lock the assembly in place and keep it from moving vertically. Also, note that the compression of the Poron foam blankets is set by the width of the sides and the length of the one spacer bar. I cut mine so that the foam would be compressed about 25%.

So, there you have it, a simple no solder/weld 18650 battery pack.
Updated 03/09/2014

moderator edit to add these links (with permission from snath):
"yet another solderless DIY battery pack via NIB's" (using magnets to hold busses against the cell tips)
Solderless compression pack, square PVC fencepost, ES member Idlemind
"18650 battery Kit development and discussion" (agniusm, 4 pages)
"18650 pack build using plastic battery holders" (from, 4 pages)
"DIY assembly kit for 18650 without spot welding/Soldering" (VRUZEND, 8 pages)
"N.E.S.E. the no solder module" (Agniusm, 2 pages)