better custom shape pouch cell batterys, triangle e.g.?


10 kW
May 31, 2015
Sydney Australia, Me: 70kg/154lb. 350w, 22kg ex ba
Put simply, pouch cells lack the flexibility of 18650S e.g to be shaped to suit. They conventionally prefer a regular brick shape.

Triangular 3.2v/3.7v pouches exist, but a tad obscure. Fine, if they suit in the below scenario even better if available.


a same maker 10ah pouch e.g, identical in all ways other than dimensions. They may be rectangular/square etc., but have exactly the same contents as other 10 ah shapes, & so be electrically identical to each other.

Instead of using identical shaped pouches, use identical pouches except for shape, to mix and match to suit - some long and thin, others square, others, rectangular - even ping etc.S method of, e.g 12s 2p 5 amp pouches for a hi C-rate 10amp 36v, then even better, since smaller pouches adds more shape flexibility.