Bad Idea Theater: Looking for details about a used Zap ALIAS

Jun 15, 2019
My goal of learning as much as possible about EV before taking my first leap meant I found Thunderstruck EV's website, and I found their listing of their one used Zap ALIAS (halfway down) that they claim still has it's original drive system in *some* condition. I know that ZAP was guilty of lying, fraudulent tactics and generally not being a company you'd want to associate with, but for some reason I can't shake this thing out of my brain- and there's very little detail online about how many of these there are, how many are running or even if they were capable of their claimed 300+ horsepower or what they could do. Can anyone here fill me on on these weird tadpole 3-wheelers? Should I even THINK about tossing Thunderstruck an email about it's general condition in the hopes of having the wildest thing at cars and coffee? Or should it just join other weird EV-wheelers like the Elio in the dustbin of "what ifs"?