typical san francisco bicycle traffic video

Critical mass made national news when they frocked up a minivan. last week. Lady got scared for her little kids and bumped a bike aside and the mob descended on her and beat the crap out of the van with the little kids inside. I heard about through a second hand so there may be two sides... Sorry to hear about kids though.
its unacceptable for any cyclist to break a car window.

the woman had , according to witnesses, run into a cyclist and then accelerated recklessly through the crowd before her window was broken.

KTVU news report about the incident with witness interviews:


As usual, two very different stories. Regardless of the real truth, I hope the cyclists responsible are caught and prosecuted.
Sad and Stupid. You don't mess with a species that is protecting it's young. Blind fear and instinct takes over. Even dogs know this.
sabrewalt said:
Sad and Stupid. You don't mess with a species that is protecting it's young. Blind fear and instinct takes over. Even dogs know this.

I know I wouldn't mess with a woman driving a mini van if I was on my bike. Some drivers can't even figure out the go pedal from the stop pedal:


Those critical mass morons are lucky they didn't get run over after what they did.
I took part in a critical mass here in Québec. Think of a clump of cyclists ignoring red lights and such, clogging up the roads and taking pleasure in holding up traffic... Without saying this is bad for cyclist - motorist relations on our roads, I've yet to see any shred of evidence at all that CM's have done good for cyclists in cities that have them. To me, they seem more like a monthly event for semi-anarchists... I never did take part in another CM ride after that first one.

I prefer to do my cyclist advocacy on a daily basis, by showing the example. The only way to be treated as though you belong on the roads is to behave as such. This is why I use hand signals, stop at red lights and otherwise complying with traffic control installations, using proper lane position, etc. (at least if there's other traffic around, otherwise...) Motorists occasionally do show signs of appreciating these courtesies.

I prefer to do my cyclist advocacy on a daily basis, by showing the example. The only way to be treated as though you belong on the roads is to behave as such.

Well said. I avoid gangs and mobs of any stripe like I avoid any other wild, frothing pack of angry animals.
The reaction by the city poloticos to the mass eruptions is a more interesting story than the actual rides themselves. They don't appear to have much backbone. It would be interesting to live in that city to do a study on the natives there.