Recent content by Dirtech

  1. Dirtech

    4kW Vector Frame build

    Any updates? Its been a long month without my bike :(
  2. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Does anybody know what size resistor I need to replace R113. My 0402 resistor arrived today, but looks way too small.
  3. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Much obliged :D
  4. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Anybody know where I can find a replacement R113 resistor?
  5. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Anybody know how to test the R113 protection resistor? Could be the cause of my problems.
  6. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    I have the motor open but cannot immediately spot a problem, is there anything in particular I should check?
  7. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Also tested the mosfets which look fine.
  8. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    I also tested for shorts between the phase wires but disconnecting them then shorting two together each time and spinning the wheel but got resistance each time. Is it possible that a short occurred and blew something in the controller? I will try to get the motor open today and see if I can...
  9. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Just tried sensorless mode, but just got a small beeping noise coming from the motor when I turned the throttle. The wheel did not lock out while the throttle was engaged this time though. It is a QS 3000W motor, but I have no clue how to remove the freewheel (came pre-installed) to open it. I...
  10. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    When I twist the throttle, the wheel locks out and will not turn freely. The wheel turns freely when the power is released. Not sure if that helps anyone identify the problem.
  11. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Ok, so I was riding today and suddenly there was a clunk and the power cut out. I got home and ran autodetect which came back with "halls error 1". I checked the voltages across my halls which were: +5v: 4.29 Temp: 2.18 Hall 1: 4.26 Hall 2: 4.27 Hall 3: 0.00 Halls 1,2 and 3 alternated as I...
  12. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Thanks for the help! I undid all of my connections and wired in just the regen throttle, giving a signal on the screen! as soon as I then wire the magura in parallel with it the magura works fine but no signal from the regen throttle. I have fiddled around with it enough to know that the regen...
  13. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Could really use some help setting up regen with wuxing thumb throttle! Am I correct to wire it in parallel to my magura for the +5v and GND wires or do they need seperate power supplies? The magura works fine in the current setup but when I switched the thumb throttle in and wired it up the...
  14. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    Can we please just take a moment to appreciate the work of the guys over at adaptto? My controller is fixed and is being shipped beck to me tomorrow free of charge. :D The best controller on the market and customer service is second to none! Thanks Adaptto!
  15. Dirtech

    Adaptto Mini-E/Max-E Owner's Thread

    I had an almost identical experience with my max-E. Mine is currently in Moscow for repair. Does anybody have any idea what could have caused this? I really want to make sure this does not happen again when I get my controller back. I thought that I had somehow shorted two phase wires together...