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Recent content by PeteCress

  1. PeteCress

    Grin Satiator: Any way to force battery recognition'?

    I stupidly left my ebike on all night and, this morning, found the battery totally flat. Hooked up the Satiator but, even after being connected for 3 hours, it is not recognizing the battery as being connected. Is there any way to force the charger to start charging?
  2. PeteCress


    What was the sprague clutch's failure mode? Gradual or sudden? If sudden, did it strand you by making the bike un-pedalable? Did the sprague clutch failures occur at about the same miles? I am thinking in terms of pre-emptive replacements. When cleaning & lubricating, did you just put grease...
  3. PeteCress

    TSDZ2 Large Sprag Clutch: What Causes Wear?

    Not the clutch in the blue gear, but the larger one. Is it worn more, the more hours that the motor is assisting? Vice-versa? Is the failure mode sudden/total or gradual? Mainly, can failure strand the rider by rendering the bike not pedal-able even without motor assist? Finally, can...
  4. PeteCress

    TSDZ2: How to Set Odometer?

    Big thread indeed! I found a post by the developer that said v0.20.1c-4 contains a fix for the problem. Thanks! Now all I have to do is: Find out where to DTL that version from Figure out how to make my little PC/Motor hardware interface thingie flash the motor's mobo. TSDZ2 Motor...
  5. PeteCress


    The avatar photo was taken long, long ago and far, far away. If I can make it to July, I'll be 82
  6. PeteCress


    28 gets me a stump-pulling low gear. That said, I get spun out in top gear at 18-19 mph. But the motor is on a tadpole trike and not a bike and the trike has it's limitations - which make a really-low Low and not much of a High reasonable for a semi-cripple like me: It's seriously heavy with...
  7. PeteCress


    FWIW, I am running a 28-tooth ring on my Tongsgeng. The answer is a 104 BCD adapter available for cheap on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07Z4HY3Q4?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
  8. PeteCress


    As a tall TSDZ user, another Photon feature that catches my eye is the ISIS crank compatibility. I would like very much to try my 180's (left over from my MTB days) on a mid-drive.
  9. PeteCress


    Two questions: What prompted the replacement? TSDZs just worn out? Did you ever replace the TSDZ's blue drive gears or sprague clutches? If so, how often?
  10. PeteCress


    Can anybody who actually has a Photon confirm or deny that it accepts the de-facto standard 104BCD chain rings? Either way, your Photon model? I would note that, although my TSDZ2 did not accept 104BCD rings out of the box, I was able to buy an adapter for cheap on Amazon that gives me access...
  11. PeteCress

    TSDZ2: Calibration for Real-World Human Power?

    I am trying to set up my TSDZ2 w/aftermarket firmware so that the "Human Power" readout bears some relation to reality. Not having access to any of the bike power meters, I am fiddling around with Settings.Torque Sensor.Weight on Pedal and one of the Settings.Assist Levels.Power Assist values...
  12. PeteCress


    If/when I figure out how...
  13. PeteCress

    TSDZ2: How to Set Odometer?

    Open-Source Firmware Version 20.1c-22 When I go to Settings/Various/Odometer and change the number, it jumps to 1,400-and-some miles when I exit "Change" mode. IIRC, I succeeded in changing the odometer value once in the past, but do not recall doing anything different. What might I be missing?
  14. PeteCress

    TSDZ2 OSF: Unable to Change Odometer

    At first I thought it was my 860c being on the way out. Then it failed completely and I flashed/installed a new one. But, even with the new 860c, I am unable to change the Odometer value. It increments & decrements while in Edit mode, but reverts to the original value when I exit Edit mode...
  15. PeteCress

    TSDZ2: Is my use Light, Medium, or Heavy? Maintainence Schedule?

    TSDZ2 mounted on a ICE Adventure HD tadpole trike running through a Rohloff 14-speed hub. Trike + rider = 308#. No throttle connected, PedElec only. Used mainly to help on hills and against headwinds once I start to feel like I am "Grinding". Typical range w/that use on a "52V 14AH... 40...