Recent content by simplegreen8

  1. S

    Flipsky 75100 sensor detection fail help

    Were you able to get the Flippy 75100 VESC working well with the hub motor? I'm getting a lot of studdering and noise under load with it (both in sensorless and hall sensor mode) I thought it might be a bad connection with a phase wire, but I resoldered all of the connections and have zero...
  2. S

    Flipsky 75100 sensor detection fail help

    Thank you everyone for the help! Uploading the "vesc_default_no_hw_limits" firmware and increasing the max voltage fixed the issue. Now it's time to get everything buttoned up, and hope no more issues arise.
  3. S

    Flipsky 75100 sensor detection fail help

    Thank you! That has got to be the issue since the only thing changed from the previous test is the battery being fully charged. However, the VESC tool wont let me set max voltage above 72V (screenshot attached). Is there a workaround for this? I’m running a 20s pack. Was about 71v on the...
  4. S

    Flipsky 75100 sensor detection fail help

    I connected the old controller from the hub motor kit, and it worked without issue, further narrowing it down to the Flipsky. I see a setting for voltage cutoff, but where is there a "Maximum Voltage" I can change? I also tried every combination of hall sensor connections. All of them...
  5. S

    Flipsky 75100 sensor detection fail help

    I will let you know if a find a solution. Going to take let it sit and take a look at it tomorrow. Definitely frustrating. Are you also using a Flipsky 75100?
  6. S

    Flipsky 75100 sensor detection fail help

    Hi, I have a Flipsky 75100 aluminum PCB version running a Voilmart 1500w hub motor. The initial setup through the VESC app worked without issue. I then did some...