Recent content by Speedracer

  1. S

    Arduino throttle into bosch middrive

    Hey guys, I sold my stealth years ago and just started getting back into ebikes post covid, I have a cube stereo 160 on order but one thing i noticed on the demo was uphill technical rock climbs meant I was scraping crank arms, so... i was wondering if anyone has came up with a way to add a...
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    New ebike sport - MAMIL fishing

    Not bad.. I really need to get the Gopro out and do the same.. I found they usually keep up to about 40kmh after that they fall away. Downhill I wouldn't have a problem with a flat battery.. On my non powered Dh bike I reel Mamils in as the are tucked down bumping all over the place. I pass...
  3. S

    9continent 48v 40a controller wiring up?

    Btw, if your handy with a soldering iron, cr (cruise) gnd and bk (regen brake) are soldered together, remove the solder from rc and gnd if you don't want cruise. If you want regen on a switch, remove the solder from bk and gnd and the pedelec (ta,gnd,5+) solder the blue into BK and black into...
  4. S

    9continent 48v 40a controller wiring up?

    Ok so after pulling my 12 fet 48v controller apart and learning the Infineon is the 9c controller.. I figured out the rest of the wiring.. 1 battery 2 on/off switch 3 ebrake switches 4 pedelec switch (duh it had the sensor with it so I should of figured this out) 5 motor 6 throttle 7 motor 2nd...
  5. S

    E-S Stealth Electric Bike Owners

    The Stealth dealer in west melbourne 'stealth bike tours' has a big van setup with 1.2kw solar panels on top and deep cycle batteries that he charges his bikes off. Good setup but its his business.. I'm not so sure it will be worth it for personal use.
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    Solar Energy Storage

    Yeah im not exactly off grid though as I live 5mins from the CBD. Plus I would like the flexibility of pluggin in whatever I like without worrying if its too much load or oops i need another plug in inverter, it sucks even trying to find an unused extension board in my place lol..
  7. S

    New ebike sport - MAMIL fishing

    agreed.. if you choose to ride fast you do so at your own risk.. But anyway enough about safety.. thats boring and shoved in our face too much on tv, So as of tomorrow lets count how many mamil's we pass and how we were passing them and make a scoring system, whats your thoughts on this...
  8. S

    9continent 48v 40a controller wiring up?

    ok so I got this puppy wired up and everything last night to test it with 3 x 3s's i had sitting round... If you wire in the ebrake switch the throttle (as expected) doesnt work. So Ill pull this puppy apart tonight and figure it out and clean up the wires I wont be using. They seem pretty...
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    New ebike sport - MAMIL fishing

    haha I had one of them pull up at the lights and tell me my bike sounds like an annoying mosquito when i was overtaking him with those off road tyres.. So my reply was, it still sounds better than your girly bell haha ;) Then he asked if it was powered? to which I said its pedal assisted. and...
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    Solar Energy Storage

    good call. Thanks
  11. S

    Solar Energy Storage

    Lol yes very valid points.. such as a dc to ac inverter, i forgot to add that to the list. If i use an inverter, i could use use batteries with a smaller AH rating and bind them in parallel as opposed to series and utilise the storage.. so very good point.. I saw they have 240v 3.5kw...
  12. S

    Solar Energy Storage

    Nice one, ill have to look into this. Thanks :)
  13. S

    New ebike sport - MAMIL fishing

    40mph, as in 64km/h? did you have a rope out that he was holding on to or something? lol... most MAMIL's give up a touch over 40km/h... These electric bikes are becoming popular, I even saw a hot chick on one today..
  14. S

    Solar Energy Storage

    Hi All, I'm thinking of building some type of energy storage for my solar system. Heres what I have planned... using 20 12v 250AH deep cycle batteries in series to provide 240v Mains connected directly to the batterys 1 charger connected to the solar system with a timer system to charge...
  15. S

    9continent 48v 40a controller wiring up?

    Thanks for that. I think the cruise is auto.. hold the throttle for 10secs and it engages but relies on the brake to be pulled to stop the cruise. I will disable this, I dont really like the idea of cruise off road. Maybe regen though? I don't want to just try it in case i blow it by...