Recent content by TricycleMichael

  1. T

    Disadvantages of front wheel drive for ebike?

    Top speed 30 mph, normally cruise under 20.
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    Disadvantages of front wheel drive for ebike?

    First ebike 14 years ago. Day 6/Bionx RWD, nice ride, decided to build my own RWD (never seen a Harley with FWD) and built 3 bikes with RWD. Balance sucked (lead era) and issues with everything else on the rear wheel were fussy. My butt also! Accidentally ran into a guy that had a 26" FWD...
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    e-Bike Safety

    Here is a tire ready to go bad. Easy visual check before a ride.
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    e-Bike Safety

    Thought it would be interesting to hear about any lessons people have learned about safety. In my village over the past 4 or 5 years there has been a big increase in the number of e-bikes. They are every where, bike lanes, paths, side walks etc. I hear comments like “they go too fast, don’t...
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    Super Creative Idea

    Yes indeed, RWD. Big worry is that "tadpoles" don't turn sharp like the "delta" for use around town.
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    Super Creative Idea

    If I use the word "Trike" or "Tricycle" as a subject, most people will skip the post. Thinking about building a Tadpole and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Would start with a 26" steel bike frame, seven speed. Build the two wheel front from scrap bikes. Thought about "wagon...
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    Question about building an etrike

    Thank you, my neighbor wanted to borrow my Tacoma to take stuff to the land fill which included the trike. The Worksman PAV was trash, left outside for 3 years, every bit was wasted. Rusted wheels, frozen bearings, no fenders, etc. Complete waste. I saw some potential, kept it and did a "jury...
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    Question about building an etrike

    Chalo, My recumbent delta trike:
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    Question about building an etrike

    Chalo made the point that I have experienced: "It actually makes the trike more maneuverable because the steered wheel is pulling rather than being pushed." All the trikes I've built use FWD and in comparison to RWD the "pull" with FWD is a better feeling when riding. Not true for Harley...
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    Meridian Tricycle Axle Noise

    Have reviewed many comments and found them to describe an axle alignment issue and no solution that is useful. So here is my take: Unfortunately the Meridian tricycle rear carriage and axle were designed for a top speed of about 8 mph. A 26 inch wheel and 48 volt battery/motor can achieve 24...
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    Meridian Tricycle Rear Wheels

    The Meridian tricycle rear carriage and axle were designed for a top speed of about 8 mph. A 26 inch wheel and 48 volt battery/motor can achieve 24 mph. The 26 inch Meridian rear wheels are not the strongest and the spokes could be a thicker gauge - stronger. Motorized speed increase 12 to 24...
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    Meridian Motorized Tricycle Overview

    Been building e-bikes and e-trikes for more than a dozen years, over twenty units. Not in business - DIY, experiment, change things, break a rule or two and learn. Sell on Craigs list. An acquaintance gave me a 24 inch 36 volt Crystalyte (now out of business) front wheel drive motor and...
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    Battery Backup

    Been wanting a smaller, lighter and cheaper battery to carry on an extended rides or for temporary use on a build. Found what I needed on Amazon and a case from ACE hardware store. Under 8 pounds at $186 This battery with a full charge goes 17 miles, top speed 22 mph and an average of 11...
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    Torque Arms

    Yup - Hard to see, tried the front location on one of my earlier builds. Liked the look a lot, some said it was backwards. Actually I liked both.
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    Torque Arms

    Thank you Motomech, I'll post my progress. Second most important thing for me after functional simplicity is the aesthetic. Got to look good.