Search results

  1. r3volved

    Arg the knockoffs are invading Ontario

    Pretty hefty price at over $6500CDN Is 'high quality' a company? Y U NO SAY MANUFATURER! I wonder if they'll get any biters? Or if it's even legit...looks like they're just middle-manning alibaba...
  2. r3volved

    Bod Boy Bikes releases fat-e-folder

    Looks like a pretty fun camping/cottage bike! Specifications PDF:
  3. r3volved

    Canadian Plug-in Electric Vehicle Study

    Full study and supporting materials are found here:
  4. r3volved

    Model M - Tesla concept going two wheels
  5. r3volved

    Happy bicycle day!! 4/19

    Get on your bikes and ride!
  6. r3volved

    r3volved's LR Norco @72v

    I came home to a roommate who actually got up to answer the door for post today! I'll start this off with the unboxing... As you can see, everything has been packed and labelled nicely and zero damage accrued during shipment. Everything came wrapped up individually with layers of bubble...
  7. r3volved

    Toronto to narrow traffic lanes
  8. r3volved

    GNG 1.1 + heavy rain [report]

    Hey folks For anyone interested in the GNG 1.1, I just wanted to report that I just got home from work through a MAJOR downpour. My shoes each weight 10lbs now and I'm soaked from head to toe. The kit however is running just fine, despite the super rain. Connections and battery are sealed but...
  9. r3volved

    Eliminating battery sag?

    Forgive my electronics ignorance... If you had a capacitor bank between your battery and your controller, could you effectively reduce or eliminate voltage sag? My logic is that the capacitor bank would hold and dump a peak load on demand to take that initial load off the battery cells?
  10. r3volved

    Free 55w light bulb from sun

    Saw this on FB. Genius idea.
  11. r3volved

    The seeds of a tesla jailbreak are sewn Interesting article on the internal tesla system. Woot Ubuntu!
  12. r3volved

    Got vids? Link me your channel!

    Hey I've recently been trying to subscribe to ES members YouTube channels as I see videos pop up...there's so many of you and I'm sure many don't post their videos. So if you have a channel, post it here. I'll try and keep this top post edited and updated into an index. Hyena -...
  13. r3volved

    Ping - I'll never buy lifepo4 anywhere else

    I just got my 48v 10ah from ping today...less than two weeks after payment to Canada! The packaging was the best I've seen anything packaged, coming out of china. Completely layered in 1" hard foam with my two chargers separated and also lined with foam. The box was smashed pretty good during...
  14. r3volved

    Adding an indicator led after 48v

    *electronics noob warning* I want to add an led after my main 48v switch as an 'on' indicator. Is this as easy as tapping into the main 48v circuit with enough resistance to the LED?
  15. r3volved

    Locking freewheel?

    I'm not sure if it exists, but I'm looking for a freewheel that can also lock. So it would freewheel in the same direction that it would pull (when locked). Does such a thing exist?
  16. r3volved

    Maxed out my bike today at 52.9km/h

    Finally got to have a good trail ride this afternoon with my ebike project. It's a standard 48v gng1.1 with no mods thus far. Running a 15ah lifepo4 in the backpack. So far, I've been super impressed with the torque on this motor, pulling my son and I around town with no problems. I'm...
  17. r3volved

    Cota by Ossia to charge your phone wirelessly

    Yay! Finally a no contact solution! I can't wait for the day my grand kids ask me about these weird wires attached to all my 'ancient' electronics.
  18. r3volved

    Local rules and regulations

    Figured it would be nice to collect a list of everyones local rules and regulations Ontario Canada ::
  19. r3volved

    GNG Gen1 primary belt to toothed gear drive

    Hey all I've been lurking for quite a long time and tinkering with my first ebike build (gng gen1 on a cheapish hardtail Jamis). I've been a huge lurker on the primary chain conversion thread and am planning to swap out my belt drive in the near future. I was discussing my plans for a chain...
  20. r3volved

    BB Generator - Chainless?

    Hey all First time poster, long time lurker. Seems strange posting this as my first post, but it just kinda peaked my interest and I wanted to submit something before I forgot. I saw a video the other day of a guy who hooked up his front hub motor directly to his rear hub motor, (reversing...