Search results

  1. KAE

    Tricking a cheap ESC

    I have a rather cheap but very fun ebike, made in China that I have been riding for a while now. It came with a 48V Lead Acid battery pack that has become spongy and worn down. I have a wonderful and very well-made 36V Lithium Iron Phosphate pack that would work great with this bike. The...
  2. KAE

    Dealing with Kennedy Alternative Energy

    Justin, My apologies this is the first I have become aware of this issue, and this thread. If I recall correctly you ordered a custom manufactured 29s BMS, is that correct? I personnally have no technical knowledge about this particular BMS but I have contacted the manufacturer for input...
  3. KAE

    Headway Pack Builders thread

    Actually Lessss, pink bubble wrap is a well known anti-static material for packaging electronic components. Google it.
  4. KAE

    Powering Micro Sub

    I'm meeting with Daniel Gomez-Ibanez from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, I'll be sure to bring up your application and see what he thinks as it is very interesting! He is a battery pack designer for underwater vehicles so he should have some good pointers for you possibly. You can...
  5. KAE

    Powering Micro Sub

    You may want to consider LiFePO4 cells, as they are smaller and lightweight in comparison to SLA's. They are also non-toxic, and safe. They are completely sealed, however they must be kept in a waterproof environement for safety reasons. I primarily use them for electric motorcycles, however, I...
  6. KAE

    Lithium Batteries Shipping Rules Discussions

    Unfortunately, air transport regulations are very strict for LiFePO4 batteries. You must comply with IATA regulations, which requires a hazmat certification and training. They must be shipped as a Class 9 hazardous material. I believe the UN code no. is 3480, or 3090 depending on the type of...
  7. KAE

    Lithium Batteries Shipping Rules Discussions

    Tonight we celebrate our freedom. Part of that entails doing what we feel is right, even in the face of insurmountable odds. We do what is right, beyond the worries of money, of society, of greed, of power. Remember why you began on this path, and why you continue to follow it, and let no one...
  8. KAE

    Lithium Batteries Shipping Rules Discussions

    These companies have lots of funding and have most likely spent the money to have their packs certified in order to be shipped. That is why their packs will cost you three times as much than buying a DIY kit like you could get at my store.
  9. KAE

    Lithium Batteries Shipping Rules Discussions

    Here is a link to a youtube video where an Irish sounding guy takes apart a LiFePO4 cell and does some destructive things to them including a full short circuit test that shows how the cells react, by getting hot and venting a little bit. No flames, no explosions, no nada. Check it out, perhaps...
  10. KAE

    Segway announces new Patroller model

    Hard to tell whether they are about to go into battle or pee themselves. Lol! :lol:
  11. KAE

    Building Batteries

    Cool, thanks for the info. So you can really make a battery and only spend a few pennies! :D
  12. KAE

    Building Batteries

    Yeah that's true, I was just intrigued by the idea of using the saltwater to power a battery. You could run this juice produced by the salt water battery back into the salt water to to split the Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms through electrolosis and make clean hydrogen fuel from the water with the...
  13. KAE

    Building Batteries

    I've recently become interested in putting together home-made batteries after experimenting a little with galvanic cells. I was able to get over 3 volts with just a little construction repair wire, some copper wire, toilet paper and saltwater. I have heard of lemon juice is a good electrolyte...