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  1. S

    Multiple BBS02 (a) controller failure due to wet/cold weather?

    Hi I have now had three BBS02 A controllers (first version) that have gone bad. They all have started to give med 30H error message. (less than a 2 years period.) I suspect that this is due to wet and cold weather, since the failure have always been occurred during such weather periods. I'm...
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    Possible to power headlights with the Bafang C965 / BBS02

    HI Have anyone tried to power some headlights with the BBS02 / C965 system? I guess some of the pins gives the display 5 volt or something, which should be enough for a led light. Question if the cords can deliver enough power.. Thought I should ask here before I try it out. Thanks!
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    Best "bottle" battery case?

    HI Someone stole my ebike yesterday (bafang bbs 02 750..). So I need to buy a new one. One that bike I had the following battery case But now I see it is possible to buy a new type of battery...
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    Hub motor maintanance (q100, q85)

    Hi After nervously listening to a partially squeaking wheel, is it a good idea to do some maintenance on these hub motors? Like adding lubricate on the gears? It may be that the source of the sounds is something else. I haven't really managed to localize the sounds. It goes off and on with some...
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    cute q100, 24v versus 36v and hall sensors support?

    Hi I'm planning to build a folding 20" ebike. My priority is lightweight and i dont need 50kph/30mph speeds, 30kph/20mph is plenty (also for the local law). However, good hill climbing ability would be very nice here in hilly Norway. I'm pretty sure i will go for a Q100 rear hub motor since...