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  1. E

    la Nina rears her ugly head

    Greetings from Finland. I have no clue does this newslink video work globally. Hopefully. It"s like Canada. Except lot darker. https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-10020068
  2. E

    la Nina rears her ugly head

    Finland. Helsinki. Not a single drop of snow on the ground. Everything black. Zero minutes of sunshine in december. Sky is black and the ground is black 24/7. In mid-january we haven't had a single minute of sunshine in two months. Next week we should get some, they forecasted. Do you ever...
  3. E

    What's the point of 1000+W ebikes ?

    For a high speed velomobille something like 1500W is good, but above that is not my cup of tea really. Not bannning it from anybody else though. Lots of power is fun of course. That"s the point. On a velomobile if you have silly amount of power you can fly on the top of hills like tornado. Of...
  4. E

    Wh/mile on the fly

    Real time watthour display would be great. On my 780km summer tour i managed 9,9wh/km with a DD. http://e-cruiser.blogspot.fi/2017/07/grand-tour-2017.html
  5. E

    la Nina rears her ugly head

    Highest temperature of this summer in Helsinki around +22C. That is 71,6F. Not once has temps gone past +25C even for a second. Second coldest summer ever in Helsinki. On a positive side, almost record low rainfall too. No heat and no rain. Just this mild, grey, autumn-likeness that goes on...
  6. E

    Have you noticed that some drivers, purposely move over.....

    In Finland there's lot of suburban roads that have 30 km/h speed limit. If you ride 40 km/h on them, every car overtakes you. It's funny. They just have to overtake you every time, no matter what. Cops in Finland don't give a damn about your e-bike as long as you try to ride decently and obey...
  7. E

    E-bike to replace car?

    100 miles per day is fun once or twice per year as a grand touring road trip, but way too much every day. Of course things depend somewhat. With a good, fast e-velomobile riding highway-quality smooth flat roads i guess you could do quite a distance comfortably enough. Fast charging is way to go...
  8. E

    The Ebiker Joke thread...

    Brand new bikelane in FInland. Ride carefully.
  9. E

    Catrike with Grin All Axle front hub motors

    All respect for Grin, but that does not sound like a very good idea. Those motors will produce steering forces, they will never pull 100,0% evenly. Commercial tadpole trike needs more weight to the rear, it"s too front heavy without any motor. I think they are something like 70/30 from the box...
  10. E

    Ebikes are for rebels....

    Why you guys are talking about the laws all the time? Title says this thread is about rebellion. We don"t have to talk about laws if we approach rebellion as a sociological phenomeon :) Smart ass peace offer. Velomobiles are for rebels. Pretty much nobody considers you as a one of them when you...
  11. E

    Dogman Dans E bike burns his house.

    Bloody hell :cry: 12 years now with stack of lipos sitting on my living room table, knock knock. Cars do burn too though without warning. We have large garage right under our seven story building, and couple years ago one old museum age Volkswagen there suddenly lighted up, when owner started...
  12. E

    Efficiency. Geared vs Direct drive hub motors

    Yep, measure the watthours with some kind of wattmeter. Did you pedal? DD is very unefficient at low speeds and starts if you don"t pedal at all. Expecially lot of stand still starts and hills are no good for a DD without pedaling. DD works well if you stay above 10mph all the time and pedal...
  13. E

    Good scientific study about velomobile culture

  14. E

    Only the poor want ebikes

    We propably don"t have same kind of poor people than in you have in USA, but i know what you mean. Here e-bike is middle-class thing. I have noticed a new kind of divide, which goes so that if you have a kitbike, you are considered as a "poor". Here everybody is now buying them four grand...
  15. E

    45km/h pedelec petition for Aussies

    45 km/h should be a global standard with 500W or something. Austria and Germany too, if i understand correctly. In Finland power limit is 1kw with 60 euro insurance, no type approval required so kit bikes ok. In Austria power limit is higher than 250W and in Germany 45 km/h is allowed with...
  16. E

    Motorizing a Catrike Speed- Best option?

    I agree with Chalo here. Basically heavy DD is just what doctor ordered for traditional, commercial trike because those usually have too light rear end and have problems with rear tire traction. Commercial velomobiles example can not get anywhere on gravel hills, because there"s not enough rear...
  17. E

    What got you into electric?

    1. I owned 22 motorcycles one after another. I got kinda bored. 2. I had a stack of lipos because of my RC habbit. One day i figured suddenly that i only need a motor kit which would be cheap coz i have batteries waiting. I was already half way there, so why not to try? My first E-bike cost me...
  18. E

    First Electric Bike (36V 500W DD)

    You can overvolt DD"s quite nicely. Latest controllers are quite tolerable too. I have been running my 500W 2807 36V DD-sets on 54V five years now. Takes in just over 1000W. DD"s are extremely reliable if you stay on reasonable power and avoid rain rides. Don"t put controller inside that bag...
  19. E

    Tesla offers money for workers who ride bicycle!

    New Aventybike from Poland. It has removable top, so you can ride like a cabriolet too. It has a motor also as a standard.
  20. E

    Your Creation's Before & After Pics

    New paint&smaller rear wheel.
  21. E

    Ever had an ebike breakdown?

    This is the fifth year i run my MXUS 2807:) Stator says 9x7. When my controller fried there was no increased wheel friction. It just died smokeless death without begging any attention.
  22. E

    Ever had an ebike breakdown?

    One blown controller in approx 15 000 miles. That"s it. Oh yes, and a one broken thumb throttle. 36V controller that i run with 54V. Velomobile with DD and burnt out controller is one hell of a thing to pedal. I managed around 10mph on flats. First ride of the year yesterday! "19 wheel works...
  23. E

    “FOLKVÄNLIG” — IKEA Electric Bike

    A good velomobile like Milan or Quattrovelo will do 35mph quite easily with only about 500W assist and healthy rider. What i would love to do is motor the hell out of the Quattrovelo or similar :mrgreen: Something like 1500W hub would be perfectly adequate with fastest winding you can find...
  24. E

    Worst E-Bike/Trike ever made?

    Here "trike" usually means a tadpole. Those one-wheel-at-front things are called "delta". Many commercial tadpoles have too high seat height. In my mind recumbent is a lowride. That"s the idea. Seat height 20cm from the ground max. Those high seat height deltas shure are good shopping wagons...
  25. E

    If You could Only have One . . .

    Turning radius of that dragster worries me slightly :wink: Btw, where"s Dogman?