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  1. C

    Think I might have fried my motor

    The motor stopped working a few minutes after the big splash. When I checked the connections the two prong plug on the throttle was definitely wet inside. The throttle still lit up though. As of today the lights don't work on the throttle anymore but the it does turn the controller on. Is there...
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    Think I might have fried my motor

    The voltage between the black and green wires of the throttle alternates from 4.5 to 5v when pulling the throttle.
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    Think I might have fried my motor

    I'm using a cyclone 3000 on a KMX trike and I took it out into the rain yesterday, I covered the electronics in bubble wrap to avoid getting them wet but I ran into this monsterous puddle that I couldn't avoid and almost submerged the bike in it. After that I checked the electronics and they...
  4. C

    How to remove cyclone 3k freewheel?

    I want to upgrade my cyclone 3k freewheel cog from a 14t to a 22t but I haven't the slightest clue how to get the cog off of the motor. Can anyone give me some laymens instructions please?
  5. C

    How to remove cyclone 3k freewheel?

    I'm using my cyclone 3000 motor on a KMX trike with the double sprocket attachment that lunacycle sells for recumbents and I'm using a 50t cassette in the back. I want to hit 30mph in first gear but I am only getting 16mph in first gear using the 14t freewheel cog on the cyclone 3000 motor. I...
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    BMX chains

    I live in a very hilly area with lots of steep grades, I need the gears sadly. I can't find anything on the internet that tells me what size BMX chain will fit a 10 speed drivetrain.
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    BMX chains

    My cyclone 3000 has ripped two of my chains if half from the torque already and I need something a bit stronger than the chains I've been using. I was told to use BMX chains instead of KMC chains for the best results but I the sizing is different on BMX chains. What size BMX chain will fit a 10...
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    Cyclone double sprocket on KMX issue

    I'm trying fit the cyclone 3000 motor on my KMX using the syclone double sprocket kit but I ran into an issue. The motor swivels back and forth on the mount when in use which causes chain...
  9. C

    E-trike Aluminum vs steel frame

    I'm planning to order a KMX trike kit next month for my cyclone 3000 and I'm trying to maximize range efficiency. I plan on riding about 14,000 miles per year. I can either buy the steel or aluminum kmx venom frame, of course I'd want to go with the aluminum frame because it's lighter and will...
  10. C

    Belt drive cyclone 3000 help

    Is there a belt-pulley that fits the cyclone 3000? I could use a dual cog cassette and route the cyclone and the crank separately. But I would need a way to mount the cyclone at the back and a belt-pulley that fits the cyclone. What is the key notch type shaft that the cyclone 3000 uses called?
  11. C

    Belt drive cyclone 3000 help

    So I'm trying to make the ultimate commuter KMX trike. At first I decided to mix gas with electric, but realized I would become a cop magnet, decrease aerodynamics, and have top heavy weight where I don't want it on a recumbent. So I'm going full electric. I need to commute 40 miles per day...
  12. C

    Samsung INR21700-48G

    So did we conclude these cells are a rip-off? Even if they come out at just 4000ma that is still better than anything else on the market by weight is it not?
  13. C

    Which version of the cyclone 3k does the Lunacycle website sell?

    The Cyclone "3000" comes in 3 versions, the 1500w-3000w, 1800w-3000w and the 2000w-4000w version according to this The 2000-4000w version is 8% more efficient than the others. That's nothing to scoff at. Which one does Lunacycle actually sell us?
  14. C

    Cyclone 3000 KMX kit

    I don't need the idler? I already have a cyclone 3000 motor. Not going to buy a hub. What about my other questions? Should I place the motor in front like Gman1971 or use the cyclone sprocket? I think I recall Gman1971 saying something about optimizing the wave turbulence underneath the bike...
  15. C

    Cyclone 3000 safe @ 150v?

    But I can't run 96v with my cyclone right?
  16. C

    Cyclone 3000 safe @ 150v?

    What a shame. What motors can handle 150v?
  17. C

    Cyclone 3000 safe @ 150v?

    I want to use a 150v controller for my cyclone 3000 for more speed because why not. Is the motor rated for this voltage>
  18. C

    Cyclone 3000 KMX kit

    I just realized this guy doesn't use the cyclone sprocket Example pics here I also realized I need an "idler" for the bike? Do I need an idler if I...
  19. C

    Cyclone 3000 KMX kit

    So I bit the bullet and bought a KMX recumbent trike kit. I'm ditching my crappy walmart bike, just took the cyclone 3000 motor off of it. I'm getting terrible Wh/mile on it and its being torn apart by the torque. I'm not familiar with recumbent trikes so I'm looking for build advice. This is my...
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    Car "replacement" e-bike and where to park

    I've been looking at the Scorpio SR-i900 alarm system. I have a difficult time imagining someone would steal a bike with such an alarm no?
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    Car "replacement" e-bike and where to park

    I can't bring a recumbent indoors anyway so it's sort of a moot point and so is the mentioning of an e-bike being a "hybrid". You know what I meant, you continue to waste time with wordplay and pointless counterarguments.
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    Car "replacement" e-bike and where to park

    Lol, listen to yourself. You'd rather suggest impractical and inconvenient methodologies (shorter distances and public transit? really?) than consider a hybrid. That's fine for you, but Ideologists need not reply here, it's annoying. I'm only interested in practical results. Take any E-bike...
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    Car "replacement" e-bike and where to park

    Yeah I've been thinking about using an arduino to make a custom alarm that screams "BIKE THEIF"! whenever somebody gets within 5 feet of the bike. I wonder if that would be enough.
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    Car "replacement" e-bike and where to park

    I'm currently using stacks of hoverboard batteries I got for a good price. It seems practically speaking, with my local terrain at 25-30mph I get about 25-30 miles per 1200 watts of battery capacity, meaning I would need closer to 10kw of batteries to get 200 mile range. A recumbent would help...
  25. C

    Car "replacement" e-bike and where to park

    The typical 4 stroke noise is largely mitigated in a belt drive set-up. I feel like a meat eater talking to a vegan. This conversation is pointless. My only concern is results, no ideologies. I have practical issues that need practical solutions.