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  1. dforesi

    European Dirtbike Conversions

    Sounds terrible. Not sure when these governments are going to learn that excessive tax will bring them less revenue. When I used to live in Canada I noticed a lot of people and businesses would offer "special" cash prices. Later, after moving to the US, I read that Canada's "underground...
  2. dforesi

    European Dirtbike Conversions

    I found this online: "The customs tax is depending on the goods value and shipping destination. Each country customs has different tax free good value regulation for goods imported from other countries. For example, USA 800 USD, Australia 1000 AUD, New Zealand 300 USD, Singapore 200 USD, west...
  3. dforesi

    European Dirtbike Conversions

    Sounds about right. Everything is illegal on paper but not in practice, this way the police can always have a justifiable reason for giving you a hassle lol. Seriously though, that's crazy. In US and Can the only rule I know of is that you need to remove the jerrycan from your truck bed when...
  4. dforesi

    260v Dirt Bike 2021

    Just a thought here. I also believe that its unrealistic for a hobbyist to do a high voltage build. However, I think there is a clear argument that mileage WOULD be better with high voltage. With low voltage and high amperage more HEAT is created, is it not? Heat is a loss factor, energy...
  5. dforesi

    special pleading

    What specifically are you asking for help on? I think what you are referring to is a BMS, or Battery Management System. When dealing with large lithium packs it is important to keep the individual cells "balanced", ie, at the same voltage. By installing a BMS on the battery the cells will...
  6. dforesi

    2017 Honda CRF250R to Electric

    Awesome looking build, mirroring what the others have said, excited to see this thing in action! Are you from the Houston TX area? I just moved here, and I'm pretty sure I met a guy with a suspension company called 812 at the last race I attended.
  7. dforesi

    Basic Motor Question (PMM vs Induction)

    Sounds like I have some research to do... Thanks Jack, this is a good push in the right direction!
  8. dforesi

    Basic Motor Question (PMM vs Induction)

    Thanks for the response Jack! So would you say that at steady state operation under 3500rpm a PMM and AC induction would be roughly similar in terms of energy efficiency for a given output power? I was expecting the two to be within 5%. Are single phase induction motors significantly less...
  9. dforesi

    Basic Motor Question (PMM vs Induction)

    Hello everyone, While I have a background in mechanical engineering, I am not motor specialist, and I know several of you are. I was reading an article (credibility TBD) recently and two items stuck out at me that I thought were incorrect. The paper is discussing the efficiency differences...
  10. dforesi

    European Dirtbike Conversions

    Interesting comments everyone, I don't doubt that cultural differences play a large roll here. What kind of weekly hours does the typical full time employee work? Gasoline prices are cheaper but motorcycles use so little that I can't imagine it is a driving factor. Certainly cost of new vs...
  11. dforesi

    European Dirtbike Conversions

    This is just a topic that I wanted to start out of curiosity. It seems to me that the majority of the electric motocross/enduro bikes seem to coming from Europe, specifically Eastern Europe (as far as I can tell). Does anyone care to comment on why this is? Is there some type of obscure rules...
  12. dforesi

    260v Dirt Bike 2021

    I guess I didn't answer your questions directly. Are there parts readily available, no. Are there parts available, yes.
  13. dforesi

    260v Dirt Bike 2021

    I think most of us are just confused with the question. We understand what you want, just not why you want it. A high voltage bike isn't really going to feel different than a low voltage bike, at the end of the day it comes down to power (kW). Why are you trying to recreate the KTM bike, why...
  14. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    Not sure it really matters. There aren't any other versions that I know of. Not sure what QS stands for either lol
  15. dforesi

    RMZ 450 electric conversion

    From what I can tell the most common assembly technique is to use pure nickel strip and spot weld to the battery. There seems to be many affordable options for spot welders...
  16. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    That's a great find! Looks like it has a ton of power. I don't speak the language but the video speaks for itself. Packaging with this motor seems like it should be a breeze. I did notice it looked like it might be a hair too wide to accommodate the foot brake, but that's easy enough to fix.
  17. dforesi

    RMZ 450 electric conversion

    What kind of phase amps and battery amps have you been able to pull from the ASI 8000? Thoughts on using the ASI instead of the Votol 150?
  18. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    So for those who have ordered the QS 138 with or without gearbox to the USA who was the supplier you used?
  19. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    You're correct... It was a late night. I was confusing myself.
  20. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    Just mirroring what everyone else said. These are some great photos, turning into a very valuable thread for the community. I also had some concerns about the orientation of the motor. I find it very odd that QS would design the motor in this way, they know these are being used for motorcycle...
  21. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    Jordan, great project. Where did you order your motor from? I am trying to get one shipped to USA. How long did it take and what did you pay?
  22. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    From the photos I saw, it looks like there is a pressure release nipple on the case that's held on with a zip tie. I imagine that its not fluid tight. Perhaps that is where it evacuated from? What do you plan to use it for?
  23. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    Well please keep us updated!
  24. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    Looks like you would have to plot some points on excel for both and compare apples to apples. Clearly they are measuring at the shaft in both cases, and the gear box motor has a 2.35 reduction so it makes these two graphs hard to compare.
  25. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    It's posted in the Ali link Gearbox motor: regular 70h