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  1. dforesi

    Basic Motor Question (PMM vs Induction)

    Hello everyone, While I have a background in mechanical engineering, I am not motor specialist, and I know several of you are. I was reading an article (credibility TBD) recently and two items stuck out at me that I thought were incorrect. The paper is discussing the efficiency differences...
  2. dforesi

    European Dirtbike Conversions

    This is just a topic that I wanted to start out of curiosity. It seems to me that the majority of the electric motocross/enduro bikes seem to coming from Europe, specifically Eastern Europe (as far as I can tell). Does anyone care to comment on why this is? Is there some type of obscure rules...
  3. dforesi

    QS 138 70H with Gearbox

    I was browsing some Youtube videos on saw this motor mentioned on a couple channels but I can't find too much information on it...