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  1. M

    Keyde Rear Hub Motor "Dynamic torque sensing system"

    Does anyone here know much about the Keyde P100 and P110 rear hub motors,which differ from their regular hub motors due to having a "dynamic torque sensing system"? Just trying to understand what that means in practice? Is there some sort of...
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    New "TSDZ2 Torque Sensor Central Motor"

    I'm wondering if anyone has taken steps to machine down the width of the Bottom Bracket shell on the drive side of their frame, in an effort to move the TSDZ2 closer to the centerline of the bike? I'm putting a TSDZ2 on a kids MTB, and while I can get the Q-factor down to around 186mm with the...
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    I did just receive another controller from Aliexpress so I'll definately try it out. The display was working ok stock when I originally tried it, but that was some time ago.
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    For anyone who might read this, bike runs perfectly fine when setup with no display. So the issue is either my display itself, or possibly related to the code that talks to the display. I may try to find a cheap alternative to rule out a faulty display, but as this is a kid's MTB I want it to...
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    I am having a strange problem with my assist level automatically being set to zero mid ride, and I can't quite figure out why. To get the motor working again, I simply use the display to set assist back up to the desired level. Note, the display never turns off or loses power, it remains on...
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    DC/DC stepdown from the 36V display supply (like the wiring diagrams in this thread). I suppose it could be that it is somehow getting bad power or interference when motor is under load. I'll try a seperate source and see if that makes an impact.
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    Yep, confirming it's happening across both branches. Did a fresh checkout and flash of firmware with the only changes being my x4 min & max values, still crashes when motor is connected. I should have a few older android phones around, I'll try to find and test those.
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    Interesting, I'm currently on the latest code (sept 2020) from Torque from X4 and still experiencing it... I'll have a look at Andrea104
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    I am running the latest app on my Pixel 3. Interestingly, through all my bench testing it has worked fine. However, when actually riding the bike, it periodically crashes or experiences very intermittent connection where the UI fails to update for many seconds at a time. Battery saving on or...
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    I'm using the bluOSEC app and I had a question regarding what the buttons with battery icons do (see circled in the screenshot). I understand the big arrow buttons are assist level but the battery one?
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    I don't agree re min being too high. I'm using a torque sensor wired to throttle signal as recommended much earlier in this thread. So my throttle min needs to be set at ~1.6v, as my torque sensor is always putting out ~1.55v at rest, scaling up to ~3.0v at full pressure on cranks. If throttle...
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    Okay following up my question, I did some digging into the code and found this line in the updateRequestedTorque() function in ACAcommons,c ui16_momentary_throttle = (uint16_t) map(ui8_adc_read_throttle(), ADC_THROTTLE_MIN_VALUE, ADC_THROTTLE_MAX_VALUE, 0, SETPOINT_MAX_VALUE); //read in recent...
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    KT motor controllers -- Flexible OpenSource firmware for BMSBattery S/Kunteng KT motor controllers (0.25kW up to 5kW)

    Hi, i'm running a Sempu T2.3 with a Bafang G310 Hub motor on the MASTER branch. Torque sensing mode appears to be working okay - I haven't ridden the bike yet, however if I grab pedals with hands and apply pressure to the cranks, while rotating, the motor puts out more power with more pressure...
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    Bafang G310 geared hub - 11:1 reduction ratio!!!

    Awesome thank you, that confirmed my own thoughts!
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    Bafang G310 geared hub - 11:1 reduction ratio!!!

    I'm looking at building an e-bike for my son using a spare 20" MTB frame. The G310 looks great to me given its light weight. I'm trying to choose between the standard and fast windings from Grin, so looking for some insights on which way to go based on the following. - primary goal is to...
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    New "TSDZ2 Torque Sensor Central Motor"

    Thanks. Is there a way to tell the difference between newer TSDZ2 (helical gear, narrow axle) and old TSDZ2 without taking them apart?
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    New "TSDZ2 Torque Sensor Central Motor"

    Hi, interested in mounting a TSDZ2 to my kids 20" to help extend range on our cycling adventures. I've seen some differences in TSDZ2 versions - helical gears, different axles, etc Is there a specific way to check if a motor has the latest changes prior to purchase? Or have those changes...