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  1. Hans_J._plourde

    Controller power lock

    Hi Marce002, if you were to swap the caps to higher voltage rating ones whilst respecting the μF value designates microfarads there are good chances that it will works without any issues but even a educated guess is just a guess. I would recommend to monitor closely the temperature of those...
  2. Hans_J._plourde

    10s4p x2 in series power cut out too soon

    Hey E-HP, it's been a while but I wanted to come back to your comment because I believe that you are unto something here and I wish you could elaborate a bit and perhaps suggest a way to rectify that. Because if the controller shuts off around 65v it always and only shuts off while accelerating ...
  3. Hans_J._plourde

    Controller power lock

    Hi Marce002 , I was following the conversation and I believe that 72v nominal is normally 84v fully charged.But anyways if controller is engineered for 72v you may blow the capacitors by using 100v+. I would recommend to open your controller and look at the rating of the capacitors and not to...
  4. Hans_J._plourde

    10s4p x2 in series power cut out too soon

    Thanks for taking the time to reply The BMS is à Chinese generic without info about LVC and same for the controller I feel that I must take both packs and find the weak cell(s) and replace it (them). If there are no guarantees that the problem is indeed faulty cells I cannot come up with any...
  5. Hans_J._plourde

    10s4p x2 in series power cut out too soon

    It’s 2 new battery packs made from refurbished LG mh1 And I have charged it 5 times so far And when power cut off/out I’m riding it and the voltage display shoes countdown voltage as it fades out I think that one cell is weak or unbalanced, that would explain the early cut off. Yet before I...
  6. Hans_J._plourde

    10s4p x2 in series power cut out too soon

    Hey, I got 2(10s4p) LG MH1 connected in series and fully charged I get 84v The controller is generic Chinese 48 to 72v and 26 to 33A My issue is that between 65v and70v the voltage drops to zero Either the bms or the controller cut out the power Thé LG MH1 cell data sheet says that the normal...