30M for a "streamlined, circular, and affordable ecosystem". Upway - onto a Series B

Jun 25, 2022
This news is personally and professionally fascinating to me.

I often compare value propositions against my desires (wait, you mean they're not the same?!!!) and I'm super interested to observe the ways a, "...streamlined, circular, and affordable ecosystem would propel this market's growth...".

I think my mental connections to transit look to a great "follow the money" framework (i.e. joules and Wh) sort of accounting. If the need for effective/affordable/recreational movement is there, the right application of the above might be a reasonable strategy.
Ahh, let me help, I have been in the military and worked in the civilian sector during the dot com boom.

First you need a group of guys in a quiet dim room then everyone takes off their pants....

Ok, I am not sure I can actually describe a circle jerk within the rules of the forums...
Am I understanding this correctly? Are thieves stealing and selling bikes to them and they then retail them as "reconditioned", taxed and debunked from the junk status?

It sure is a market if you get something thought to be broken by the rich customer turning it in for a fragment of the original cost thinking they did a barging selling their junk for 50 bucks.

It sure amazes me every time something expensive is being thrown away. If it is ignorance or just plain stupidity that reflects upon the human that took that action.

In the matter of the thread. Did they just press the red button because they had to get rid of all of their money?