Douchebag payback ! Bike thief pays the price.

that rules!!! top it all off with the red hand of the feydakin, thieves beware. hmmmm, copycat anyone?
Somebodies film school project perhaps, but nicely done. Wouldn't you love to do it for real.

Article in the paper about a rash of daytime house robberies in my neighborhood. Funny, nobody trying to break in to my house. Nobody even thinking it on my street in fact, for fear I may let em out! Lowlifes really hate a pack of huge dogs announcing they are breaking in to a house. I have 4 my neighbors 2 and 2 and 2 and 1. thats nine dogs watching the houses all around me. The other day a cop stopped and stared at me as I opened the garage for awhile, now I know why. It looked like I was about to steal 7-8 bikes.
Geoff will love that video. He's been ripped off TOO many times.
knuckles just told me about this he is correct I do approve of getting your own back if it is non leathal
so no guns or knives but paintball guns I could get into that.

it is just sad they all needed to waste time waiting for these boneheads
and that they felt they needed to run away once the police where coming
Yeah it's a sad point to society when the cop comes to protect the thieves and press charge on the victim which is the bike owner.