The paris accord


10 kW
Jan 20, 2011
Knutsford England
I really didn't think he'd do it. But it turns out he is much cleverer than all the scientists and the rest of the world, and come the day of reckoning he'll be dead & buried so it makes perfect sense to gamble the votes of some eejits in 4 yrs time against the future of the planet.
And while you're at it, ensure that your country's industry is in no place to service the (massively expanding) international renewables market.
Barracko must be tearing his hair out.
Fortunately the US business leaders seem to be a little more responsible.
How long before this becomes toxic I wonder...
Likely should have just started this in toxic, but I won't bother to move it yet.

Hopefully US industry will easily recognize that the next industrial revolution will not be coal powered. I heard the state of Texas had more wind power than any other state, but that may not have been per capita, just the result of Texas being a huge state. But it does show that even in the oil patch, they realize the future is not oil based, any more than its coal based.

Dumping the paris accord does not mean the US has its head in the sand. But by the vote, a good percentage does. :roll: Fortunately those lower middle class voters, such as myself too, are not in charge of US industry. When solar on the roof costs less than the coal fired grid, they buy the solar. We just need to stop subsidizing the coal and oil.

As its been the case all my life, pretty disappointed with our choices in the big election. I knew Hilary needed a very weak opponent for her to make it. She's the best we can do? Really? But it did surprise me a knucklehead like Trump beat her, weak as she is. On the bright side, we did dodge a bullet, and don't have Ted Cruz in charge for 4 years.

Right now, I'm thinking maybe we can get Al Franken to run. Hell, if Trump can make it, why not a comedian from Saturday Night Live? Hes really been shining in the Senate lately, and is able to cross the aisle for a good bill. Then you could have Bill Murray for sec state. :lol:
yoos kan 'ave yore brexit in grate ukland,

murryka kin half its u.sexit.
bit of a double standard there uh, guvnah.

not a trump fanboi but he is correct when he sez it's all a money making scam.
i would add it's also about further eroding freedom & more government control.
any benefit to the environment is secondary & purely incidental.
means to an end in a way that he sheep won't storm the bastille & willingly capitulate to an enourmous tax grab in disguise.
a wolf in a green overcoat, a highway robber with a green mask.
Ronald Reagan said:
One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. . . . 
updated reskin.
Just one of the few promises he could keep, without the courts whacking in the wee wee.

Non binding, so sign it with no worries, or back out with no worries.

There will be plenty of money to be made when the sea rises 10 feet, building the bathtubs around the coastal cities. It will be a good time to get into the house moving business too.
Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh said:
Inot a trump fanboi but he is correct when he sez it's all a money making scam.
i would add it's also about further eroding freedom & more government control.
any benefit to the environment is secondary & purely incidental.
Pollution is real. It is also a scam in that the main polluters don't see the costs of their pollution, but that cost is borne by others. Economists call this an externality. Externalities are the main weakness in capitalism, in this case where freedom to pollute is simply taking away from others the freedom to be pollution free, or the added costs to remain clean is put upon others, and the costs are not tracked or properly compensated. It is exactly such weaknesses where government control (regulation and taxation) makes excellent sense even in a strong Libertarian model (although it seems anti-libertarian on the surface). Getting the regulations right is a very difficult thing, but rest assured that unregulated capitalism will very much get it terribly wrong nearly always, and the government will be far less "bad" by comparison.
you are simply parroting the 1992 rio accord's agenda21 whether you realize it or not.
individuals cannot be trusted to be good stewards of the environment.
so the government must take control by means of green regulation to pack people in big city centres of stacked sardine can ghettos, restrict their mobilty & dumb down the kids schooling, sound familiar?

so just how nany more of these gd accords do we reely need??
if the problem was strictly climate you would think the details could be worked out the first time with amendments every decade or so.
actually it could be set in motion without even so much as one polluting limo jet set fn accord.
(by a funny coincidence 1992 is when i parked my car while waiting to electrify it.)

but climate is simply a pretext, the bait to get you to swallow the hook.
and if anyone objects to the taste, well they're evil climate denying idiots.
that's the beauty of the scam, we waste our breath arguing while the real agenda marches relentlessly forward unabated.
listen not what they say they, look at what they do.
they being 'the men who spurred us on & sit in judgment of our wrong.'

remember when back in the 90's when these same imf et al assholes subsidized cutting down the rain forests?
why do you think they spent the big bucks to create this crisis in the first place?
they sure as hell aren't going let the crisis go to waste now.
idk perhaps you enjoy living as a serf tending to the needs of those living high on mount olympus.
alan said:
Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh said:
Inot a trump fanboi but he is correct when he sez it's all a money making scam.
i would add it's also about further eroding freedom & more government control.
any benefit to the environment is secondary & purely incidental.
Pollution is real. It is also a scam in that the main polluters don't see the costs of their pollution, but that cost is borne by others. Economists call this an externality. Externalities are the main weakness in capitalism, in this case where freedom to pollute is simply taking away from others the freedom to be pollution free, or the added costs to remain clean is put upon others, and the costs are not tracked or properly compensated. It is exactly such weaknesses where government control (regulation and taxation) makes excellent sense even in a strong Libertarian model (although it seems anti-libertarian on the surface). Getting the regulations right is a very difficult thing, but rest assured that unregulated capitalism will very much get it terribly wrong nearly always, and the government will be far less "bad" by comparison.
Aren't we all just so grateful for all the agreement on climate change? If it wasn't for all the agreement, who knows what ugly things you guys that are ALL ON THE SAME SIDE might be saying to one another.

dogman dan said:
I heard the state of Texas had more wind power than any other state, but that may not have been per capita, just the result of Texas being a huge state. But it does show that even in the oil patch, they realize the future is not oil based, any more than its coal based.

In the Hill Country they were giving away electricity overnight, not sure if that's continuing. It helps that you can find huge chunks of land there, hills and not mountains, etc. The other place is the Badlands, great opportunity for solar. All accomplished without any Paris accord. Yeah, they had a Paris peace treaty in the Vietnam war; you saw how much good those Paris treaties do. You're forgetting it wasn't long ago the talk was about how ridiculous the Paris Accord was.

There's no point in promising that alternative energy jobs will replace the coal jobs if you're not putting those alternative energy jobs where the coal miners live. West Virginia, Colorado, etc.

Oh, it should be Bill Murray running for President, Al Franken can be, uh, hanging around.