SkyRC Quattro B6AC charger

Mr. Mik

1 kW
Sep 3, 2008

I recently bought a SkyRC Quattro B6AC charger

It seems to work very well so far, the only annoyance is that the cooling fan is noisy and turns on and off, sometimes every few seconds, depending on load and temperature.

I wonder if anyone can tell me how to answer the following question (without frying the charger, if possible :p ):

Can I connect the charger to a 12V DC battery and the 240VAC grid at the same time without doing damage?
If yes, then:
Will the charger then use the grid power preferentially until it is turned off or will it suck the 12V battery empty first?
If yes, then:
Will the charger continue to operate uninterrupted if the 240VAC stops, by immediately switching to use the 12V from the battery?
If yes, then:
Will the charger return to use 240VAC as soon as it it turned back on?
If yes, then:
Will it recharge the connected 12V battery?
If yes, then:
Will this overload the chargers 240VAC to 13.xVDC converter (if the large 12V battery has been drained significantly during the power outage)?

What I am hoping to achieve is a backup power supply from the 12V battery, in case of a brief power outage in a thunderstorm (or if I unplug the wrong cable).
The Quattro charger will be running long reconditioning CHG/DCHG sequences (48hr or more) and I want to reliably log the results so I can decide which parts of my Prius NHW10 240s NiMH battery I need to ditch, and which need more reconditioning.

I thought about powering the Quattro charger exclusively from a 12V battery, while keeping a charger connected to the 12V battery to continuously top it up. That would work, but maybe there is a better way that involves no extra 12V charger.

Any hints and opinions would be much appreciated. :D

Thanks, Mik

I have connected the QUATTRO charger to a sealed 12V 110Ah lead-acid Marine/RV continuous use / deep discharge battery.

This battery is for the moment being charged by a three-stage lead acid charger, capable of charging at up to 10A. 10A should be enough, because I do not intend to use the QUATTRO charger anywhere near it's 200W maximum power level.

What is the best way to continuously top-up such a lead-acid battery? I have basically put together a UPS here, but I worry that the 12V battery might get damaged because the three-stage charger is not designed for this particular purpose.

What would be the best way to power this UPS?

Or in other words, what voltage should a lead-acid battery be kept at (while under continuous trickle charge) so that it does not deteriorate more than necessary?

Thank you for any help with this, Mik
I think leaving a half 0.5 amp 12v charger on it full time should do the trick. As long as you don't charge many times in a day it should work. Check the voltage of the 12v after every charge to monitor its health. Investing in a quality power supply would be best but I'm no expert on the subject.