Tigershark case connect and BMS


1 mW
Oct 17, 2017
hi all

I have spot welted my battery together and now need to connect the battery to my tigershark case and BMS

Please help me how to connect there battery correct.
Please see the attached images.

From the connect schema image, i assume that instead of cables i have to connect to The case instead?

Br Kevin
I don't know the case, and can't see enough to dope it out in the pictures myself.

On the bms connection, that looks right to me for the main wires. But to make the bms work you have to connect each cell group to the bms using that long row of terminals, using female plugs that match what you have on the bms.

Again, the pic not good enough to dope out the bms connections, which is cell one, and if you have a small negative to connect to or not.
Thanks for the reply #dogman dan

The case os not something special, and i guess that the wire concept is the same on almost all cases?
This is the case: https://www.google.dk/search?safe=off&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&biw=1600&bih=760&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Bic0WuSHLYPcwAL69Y6ADQ&q=tigershark+battery+case&oq=tigershark+battery+case&gs_l=psy-ab.3...8291.9018.0.9418.

I want to know if someone would know how the wire should connect to the battery from the case/BMS. power switch - discharge - power indicator - charge (when there are 3 legs to solder to?)

I know the BMS with the sensors.
Hi Again

I think i have this figured out but would be nice if someone could help with the last bit and say yes or now if i am correct.

The things i don't know how to wire is the power switch, how in generel?
And the charge connector, there are 3 pins, should i just solder to two of the pins the and leave the last one unused?

dos anyone use the power switch ore are they useless?

Please if someone could take the time and look at my picture.
i know that the - is not the correct - which i located on the other side of the battery, that part you have to imagine from the picture.
