Is this a sine wave controller?


100 mW
Oct 30, 2017
Check out the link. Is it a sine wave controller? It says it has 18 mosfets.
i have this controller. its 1500 watts peak, not a sine wave and probably only marginally better than a stock controller. there are some tried and tested controllers that can be had for cheaper and give the right power (sunwin and greentime for example) that will serve you far better.
Ok then, well what about this one? Is this a sine wave controller?
unless a controller is specifically advertised as "Sine Wave", you can be 99.9% certain it is not.

If you describe what controller you are looking for, members will be happy to give recommendations. It will be faster than picking a controller and asking about it.

Yes, I'm looking for the best ecomical 48v sine wave controller, maybe programmable. There must be alternatives to the pricey Sabvoton, Phaserunner, and Kelly controllers which run from $200 to $300 USD. The lowest price one ive came across was the E.R.T. controller for around $120. This upgrade would be for fun, nothing serious, to gain a little bit more performance and efficiency from the square wave controller that came with the kit I purchased.
$120 is pretty reasonable, in a few years this will be the standard but right now there are factories full of square wave controllers and they are the reason you have $40 controllers on ebay, but the real fact is the stock one its probably as good, these are cheap replacements rather than performance upgrades.