Opinion question?

Mar 26, 2015
I just need you to pick which one you would rather have. Anyways would you rather have a electric skateboard that goes 35km/h and between 12-15 km? Or one that goes 30km/h and can go as far as 20km. Both skateboards would have easy to remove/replace batteries. Just gathering some data. Thanks
And I would go for the longer range. 30km/h is hardly ever possible where I live. Roads are to shot and where there is good pavement, there are others using it so not possible (unless you have scant regard for others).
Speed is nice, range is critical IMO.

for non metric folks (just us in the US) 30kmh speed is 18mph (pretty damn fast on a board)
30kmh - 18mph
35kmh - 21mph


I think a minimum range of 10mi is my requirement, or easily swappable batteries. a top speed around 20 (18 works for me) also seems plenty fast.

Otherwise i think you are competing with Boosted boards - which are great *except* the poor mileage! (i get about 4-5mi on friends in mode 3 (not fastest) on the flats).
