VESC Motor Current Higher than Battery Current?


100 W
Apr 5, 2016
Orlando Florida
Hey guys, I am trying to wrap my head around something. I have seen with my vescs that the motor will see more current than what is being pulled from the battery especially during start up. I am trying to figure out why this is as the VESC doesn't have any transformer on it other than the 5v buck converter. Does anyone know why this is?

I think it is because the controller input draws a DC signal where as the controller output is a pulsed ac signal (pulse width modulation) so there's a duty cycle. A wise man once told me a pwm controller uses the motors inductance to operate like a transformer/inverter and multiplys the voltage and adjusts the pulse duration to control speed and torque the pwm signal is then averaged over time 1s to give the motor and battery max amps that the controller sees and uses, the controller then allows the motor to draw as much current as programmed or the shunts allow when under load and still have a DC signal that is less substantial due to the duty cycle.
So its witch craft really and get drowned in the river then burnt for it but this pic may help and a much more in depth explanation. :).