Strange hall angle test results


1 kW
Nov 22, 2020
Hello EV friends,

i connected my mxus 3K turbo to a sabvoton 72150 and started a hall angle test with the software.
The strange thing is that it comes to different results. Today the result was at first 191, then 192 and then 193. But i also had a result of, i think 186 or something like that. For me the motor sounds and moves fine, but i don't know what it should sound like.
If i'm right the mxus 3k turbo has or should have a hall angle of 120, right ? But if i set the controller to 120 it makes humming sounds. I also had a controller with a "phase angle" of 120 and it also worked with my motor.

Is there a difference between phase angle and hall angle ?

And does anybody know why the results are different and what might be the "best" result for me ?

Thanks for your help.
Best regards Sparfuchs