Farfles new tool


100 kW
Jun 27, 2010
Redmond OR
I have just inherited a busted plasmacam system that had a dead PC. Very long story made very short, it works now. Supposedly good for .005" tolerance, and with the plasma unit (full of rodent feces, may need some work). It should cut 1" plate steel. Anywho SOOOOPER STOKED!!! picking up some torch head parts tomorrow, and hopefully will be making some test cuts if the plasma unit still works.

thats a brilliant find. Been put in the right hands too no doubt, gonna see more classy stuff soon from your workshop now Farfle?
Bet he puts it to better use than cutting out howling coyote wall hangers.
That is so awesome Farfle! Woot! I always wanted one of those badass tools. :)
This one has found itself in exceptionally good hands. :mrgreen:
liveforphysics said:
That is so awesome Farfle! Woot! I always wanted one of those badass tools. :)
This one has found itself in exceptionally good hands. :mrgreen:

I am absolutely ecstatic. Right now, we just cut a sprocket, (dxf scaled weird, so its really oversized). The machine cuts great.

Great find, one of the toys I was seriously thinking of building. Just no garage space, and it's not practical for basement without good ventilation. If only I had a pole barn :(

If you are using Mach, your threads per inch is set wrong. You can verify this by moving a set distance over a ruler and see if it tracks accordingly.
Awesome. Not only great for building ebikes, but also for condensing HNO3. And if you don't know what that's good for, I won't tell you. :) But I'd love to combine that with some battery acid refills, plasticizer and hexamine, if that tells you :)

I bet you could make a pretty sweet custom frame with that! :) What are your current intentions?
Hmmmmm.... If I remember the book right, that's a good chunk of what's needed to make a lovely boom going playdoughy compound.

Right now, I am going to use it to make some Siamese AC24LS motor adapters for my boss' s Porsche conversion
Color me jealous. Looking forward to the cool isht you are going to make!