Cnet Tesla Review


100 W
Nov 13, 2007
New Olreans
Here's the link:

Overall, pretty positive :mrgreen:

just read in winding road that upgrade packages now onsale
including sound sound like v8 or ferrari and 2 other sounds warp and warble
also interrior bits
Gah, I can't stand the thought of someone ruining an EV by pumping out the sound of an ICE or any other tacky effect.
Those silent ev's can be hard to get used to though. At work the flowergardens are all in the narrow street, so to work on em we are basicly in the street. We have to listen for cars real good since the drivers are all over 75. The ones with the prius love to sneak up and startle the crap out of us!
Jeremy Clarkson called the Prius a kiddie killer. :twisted: That must make the Tesla Roadster destroyer of worlds.
Cars in general are kid killers:

"Child deaths in motor vehicle crashes have declined since 1975, but crashes still cause about 1 of every 3 injury deaths among children younger than 13. Among those 3-12 years old, motor vehicle crash injuries are the leading cause of death."
Irresponsible parents are kid killers. During nearly twenty years as a professional firefighter and paramedic, I've responded to many automobile accidents involving child fatalities. However during that time, I've never had to remove a dead child from a rear seat that was wearing a properly worn seat belt.

No, a seatbelt is not 100% insurance that anyone will survive an automobile accident but properly worn seat belts increase the odds of surviving dramatically for both children and adults.