When will we see the Twizy in Australia ?


10 kW
Jul 18, 2015
If the twizy went on sale tomorrow in Australia the uptake would be immense and the government knows it. The Twizy would pose a major threat to income generated by petroleum sales.

There are no green credits for electric vehicles in Australia, it's almost like we are 10 years behind the more progressive European countries who are adopting renewable energy at a fast pace, as they can see the benefits. Big business runs Australian politics and its laws, just look at our love of coal.

So in reality I don't think they will allow very small and cheap electric vehicles here, the best we can hope for are small cars with no credits and well overpriced. We won't see electric under 30k ever! Twizy would open up the sub 20k market and allow the working class access to renewable clean transport in urban areas. Taking a large number of Ice cars off the roads.

We should encourage such vehicles, you can fit two of them almost in one traffic lane, same as parking spaces etc

If these retail for 11 or 12k AUD we will see a huge amount of people opting to use these around town and still keep the large car for longer trips and off roading.

All I have acces to now is an ebike, it's good but I don't really like riding in traffic and mixing it up with cars and trucks and the weather.

Shame on Australia for blocking access to this market, how hard is it to change ? Apparently very hard down here in the boondocks of the world. Classify it as a car and get in with progress ! Tax it like you would for a car, I don't care , but pull the finger out and get on with it.
You could buy a Zero !...under $20k still.
Or a used iMev...if if you can find one !
And several folks down here have those Vetrix E scooters.
But yes, we get a shitty deal with EV availability and pricing on those that do slip through the door.
Even a Hybrid Volt or prius is a rip off pricewise.
The best option going that i have seen is (was ?) the Mitsi Outlander PHEV ..plug in hybrid with 40 km EV range.
You could pick them up under 30k as ex dealer demo vehicles.
Phev looks good and particle , 40klms is a little short but would cover most days, it's a big sucker though and still way expensive

Zero, nope for the city, I value my legs.

Nothing comes close to Twizy . Ah well fossil on I guess.