This section has the wrong name

Almost 50% ??
The last official data for Dk shows a total consumption of 34TW for 2016, of which 12.8TW was wind generated.
It varies year to year. ( dependig on the wind) , but that is not close to 50%.
Notice also, that they have steadily moved from fossil to wind generation, but at the same time have also changed from a net power exporter, to being a net imported of electricity.. 10+% imported power infact !
And, also can boast the most expensive power in the world !
One last point,..
... That 12.8 TW of wind generation is about HALF as much as ONE single coal plant could produce !
So whilst it is a country with a significant amount of wind generation, they are not on the same scale as Germany, which has ten times as much wind capacity, or The UK, let alone the really big players like USA, China etc.
This thread is officially hijacked... I simply wanted to draw attention that renewable sources of electricity produce the same quality of electricity that fossil fuels do. We should regard them as just as valid of an option for energy production as non-renewable sources, thus, they should be categorized as ‘renewable’ instead of ‘alternative.’ This goes along with the notion that e-bikes have been called ‘alternative’ transportation for as long as I can remember, yet if you ride one to work every day, there’s nothing alternative about it. This forum isnt called ‘alternative sphere.’ Maybe we can change this section to ‘endless energy’ lol. It should have been obvious to all already that they currently provide a very small % of worldwide energy production, as Mr Magnets politely reminded - without sass or misinformation - but it is also blatantly obvious that solar, wind, (+ other rando sources depending on location) are the way to go for new power generation, new projects, going forward. They’re more reliable, more cost effective over the long term, and less risky than natural gas, coal, or nukes. I’f I’m stepping on your toes about energy production, then you’ve got your foot stickkng out there pretty far to begin with. So with that, i leave this thread to the dogs.
the e wind said:
.... - but it is also blatantly obvious that solar, wind, (+ other rando sources depending on location) are the way to go for new power generation, new projects, going forward. They’re more reliable, more cost effective over the long term,
Im happy to let the thread go, was a weak subject at best......
....but i wont let you get away with false statements like those above.!
Wind , solar, and even hydro, are not reliable at all...
Thet are intermittent, variable, unpredictable, and totally dependent on the weather.
They need back uo and storage to become partially reliable.
When you factor that into the costs, adjust for CF output reduction, and allow for the much shorter lifespan compared to coal or Nuks, the economics are laughable for grid supply.
The only reason they are considered at all, is because of the rebates , incentives, and supply priorities they have been given to date.
Amazed that I didn’t see the word sustainable once in this thread. I guess it’s a synonym for renewable but sort of a little bit more to the point.
The UK gets more than 50percent of its energy from low carbon sources. Mainly Solar, nuclear & wind.
So for us it is just energy.
Maybe can the section "off grid"
"Home generation"
"Green power"?
Sustainable does fit better. Also we have used hydro reliability for years in the US. Even coal plants have issues. Plus we have a lot of geothermal in a few states also. Of course it is not used because it is not competitive money wise. Not initially.

It is like talking "global warming " climate change is more accurate...
If you saw the search demographic data, many people still google "alternative energy". You can try and steer the language after readers find us, but....first they have to find us.
If we weren't so terrified for the sea 🐢's we could utilize the natural movement of the ocean to generate all of the electricity we would ever need. Could probably even rig it to filter out all of that plastic too. :wink: