Cycle Analyst throttle ramping


10 GW
Nov 1, 2018
I'm trying to fine tune my CA settings to work with my main battery only (52V 28Ah, 40A BMS) to extract more responsiveness from my bike (after getting spoiled with running 72V), but the CA ramping parameter won't allow me to get closer to just bypassing the CA and controlling the throttle directly.

So, I'm looking for tips on how to set the Cycle Analyst throttle ramping parameter to obtain a better/faster ramp rate. The manual provide suggestions of 0.3V-2.0V/sec for a soft start, and 6V-8V/sec for "immediate responsiveness". Mine is currently maxed out to 99.99V/sec., so not sure where to go from there. Here's some data from testing throttle modes and ramping:

Using the ramp rate above, with throttle mode set to Power, pegging the throttle from a standing start on flat ground, the CA records an Amax value of 51A. Setting the throttle mode to Bypass, doing the same will produce an Amax value of 78A (and leave standing behind the bike with the front wheel straight up). I should have tried leaning way over the bars to see if I could get a higher current draw by keeping the front wheel planted). I don't want the wheelies, but bypassing also gives better responsiveness when rolling on the throttle in the mid-range.

I tried all of the CA throttle modes, but the responsiveness and current draw are about the same. Any thoughts about how to tweak the CA settings in order to get something in between the maxed out settings and what a straight bypass provides?
HrKlev said:
Have you played with AGain (if you are using current mode) or PGain (if using power mode)? They play a huge role in the behaviour.

Thanks! I haven't even figured out what they do, so thanks for pointing me in the right direction. :thumb:
ZeroEm said:
V3.1 Official Manual

The Default setting in the CAS3 is pass-thru. I need to play with mine and try the amps or power modes.
I don't want a jerk when taking off, want it to engage and take a second to full power.

Power and current modes feel similar when the bike is charged up, but power mode doesn't change as the voltage drops when the battery discharges. The throttle ramp settings definitely removes any jerkiness.

I should have written down the default AGain and WGain settings. I was able to get better off the line response, but the bike feels more sluggish in the rest of the power band, which is odd. I need to make smaller incremental changes relative to the defaults to get a better feel for how the affect acceleration.
The CA3 has a lot of settings have not played with very many. Try to keep it one at a time so I can go back. AT the moment set the speed to 0.5 kph before the throttle works but need to move it down to maybe 0.1 or 0.05 kph. I leave the trike on and don't want it anyone or me to hit the throttle and it take off empty might hurt someone.

I have never liked the feel of my throttle. feels like it is all or none.
When I first set it up before I put a limit on watts at a full charge it would be 3k watts but have turned it way down to 2600w :roll:
Now have a 3 level power switch low level is 1100w. Let my brother ride it once on full power :lol: Never wanted more.
I would just use power mode, and raise the WGain until you get the desired effect, or power starts to oscillate. I think the manual states max recommended 25, but I have ran it way higher to get the response I wanted. Then you can use different V/S setting in different presets to switch between relaxed and active riding :)

You can also raise the refresh rate on the CA and watch the throttle out on the throttle screen (one click left from main screen) while riding. Its quite useful to understand how the different settings affects the ramping.