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  1. fill

    Connect KT controller with USB

    Sounds like you can benefit from a more powerful controller. When selecting a controller just ensure the peak drain is BELOW the Maximum Drain of the battery package, if not displayed on the battery case will be a detailed in the BMS specification. and give the controller peak value some...
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    Connect KT controller with USB

    If you lift the drive wheel off the ground and open the throttle is the speed it hits faster than the top speed when you were riding the bike, or just about the same give or take 1-2 miles../km, er hour ? The voltage NOT amps relate to speed/rpm so if your bike is as fast with you on it as it...
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    Connect KT controller with USB

    My understanding is that Max rpm of a motor is more to do with voltage. Amps allow it to maintain that speed under load.. So A 22a controller for example next size up from the 17a with a 48v battery wont necessarily go significantly faster, just be able to climb steeper hills at top speed or...
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    Battery to motor connection

    Not sure what you want to achieve. Perhaps dont disconnect the display as without it you can not receive any visual feedback from the system. error messages icons appearing/disappearing etc, all useful info in fault finding.. The motor is probably continuing to spin after its cut off because...
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    Battery to motor connection

    It could be just innoscent battery comms too did any icon or info on the display dissappear when the wires were disconnected. What battery/power info is displayed? although the only metric the bike needs is battery voltage.. But it could all be in aid of flashing a bms icon on the display in...
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    Battery to motor connection

    Pictures would help.. wires from a battery that are not thick and heavy duty to supply power are generally a bad sign as they can indicate superfluous battery communication/verification protocols are employed. if you disconnect the battery wires and disconnect the battery, after reconnecting...
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    Help with controller wiring

    Display is probably the 5 wire bunch/bundle if the 6x is the motor sensor bundle.. If no dedicated lock wires for a key switch with no compatible display connected the 'silver box' may not turn on until display pin1 red wire and display pin 2 blue wire are connected, these are battery voltage...
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    battery/controller comminucation

    Had to google the controller, after a quick scan it appears the logging is via a blue tooth paired phone and app? And i failed to see any clue of modifying the bluetooth package to include new data elements? let alone any scripting interface for handshaking any connected devices, though it was a...
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    battery/controller comminucation

    Not familiar with your battery what info does it publish you can use? Afaik all you need is a voltage log which alongside logs of other metrics should provide all the info needed? What metrics do you log currently or intend to log? Or do you want to enhance your display? if so not a good...
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    No help here

    We want to help.. Can you name or provide a picture or a link to your controller (the silver box)? Can you do the same for the display (led?)? what size battery (volts) ? and what size motor (watts)? Hub or mid drive? Most controllers will only work with one or two display options. So...
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    headset ignition switch

    Thankfully another round of ebay orders is not required? or so I think.. testing the hall sensors i bought reveals they are low voltage with no magnet and high voltage with a magnet and iirc my controller is 'Brake:Low' so a quick google for julet brake sensor pinouts later..., and i have a...
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    headset ignition switch

    Indeed Yes, if you already have a dedicated circuit for a separate 'on' switch (in my case this is embedded in the display). go for it its a lot easier too.. Perhaps heat formed pvc pipe could hold/mount a keylock in place? sculpted and painted to match the frame could work?
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    headset ignition switch

    If required removing the sensor/unplugging it will take it out of the system, but believe me 20x magnets will be all over the bloody bike and a few stuck to my keys too Im currently ridding about with a few stuck to the steel rack tubes to see how they hold up to a bumpy ride.. last thing...
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    Need help

    I was about to point you towards the Grin site and the support documents and guides including mosfet tests.. Worthwhile knowing about still..
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    headset ignition switch

    Many ebike switch sets and gear sold on ebay etc are not weatherproof and not wired for High loads at all, 2nd use m/cycle parts however? ( edit i mention high loads for lighting switching not 'ignition') With many e-bike controllers the display wiring pin #1 red (battery voltage) and pin #2...
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    headset ignition switch

    Provide some details of the bike battery motor and control system and what your goal is, for example for security or a one button press n go solution?? or are you just looking for a product recommendations?
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    Need help

    probably not, but a few more details like whats the problem? and what happened to cause the problem if anything? would be a start, then a few basics about your bike motor battery and control system, could be enough to signpost you correctly. Pics help too.
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    Controller potting. Advice needed.

    very often the cable exit from the hub is pointed up rather than down so it will catch and retain rain etc.. An error i made fitting my first conversion hub. and an error i have seen repeated myself not just in online posts.
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    No help here

    Fwiw i answered an oblique post with an equally oblique response. - perhaps not my best moment, but after typing out a polite paragraph asking wtf? - and retyping as to not sound condescending, i ended up thinking WTF! - "Tuesday"
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    Pas issue

    If you have the option to select more pas modes 5x or perhaps more, you may find the smaller increments of speed increase between each level reduces the amount off excessive acceleration required to reach each step providing a smoother ride? IF your rides are all at top speed then the...
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    Controller potting. Advice needed.

    Why make work for yourself that could get in the way of a required fix later on? Unless your white water e-biking, whats the need? Your time would be better spent ensuring your motor is as watertight as you can get it and if its a hub drive that its not mounted upside down like so many are...
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    Reverse gearbox or hub

    Location and mentioning keeping motor rated power within regs suggest a pedal drive is also required so just using pedals as sensed inputs would be out. An interesting problem, makes me think its a 1st yr engineering xtra credit problem given the time of year.. and if so no doubt some ancient...
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    Reverse gearbox or hub

    OP wants a mid (chainring?) drive bike that will go backwards while pedalling forward?
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    Reverse gearbox or hub

    @Chalo While pedalling forward? @Hampus B , could your brain handle pedalling forward and moving backwards? Having ridden a few heavier 2 wheeled machines without reverse capacity -no goldwings.. even if laid heavy with cargo (sacks of coal in my case 4x stacked on the pillion seat) back...
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    Reverse gearbox or hub

    Not as far as im aware. You can simply engage a reverse with a direct drive motor switching the phase sequence, so electronically. to trigger via forward pedalling would require complex and expensive to design and make drive disengagement tech that does not currently exist afaik. (Edit.. ok so...