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  1. H

    Eltek Flatpack S 48V/1000W HE

    I am looking for one Eltek Flatpack S 48V/1000W HE. Please send me offers via PM. Location: EU
  2. H

    Flatpack 2 HE 2000W or 3000W

  3. H

    QS205 Rotor outer diameter

    Does anybody have a QS205 motor and could measure the outer diameter of the rotor? In the middle, between the spoke flanges. I think it should proably be around 220-225mm, but it would be great if somebody could let me know the exact measurement because I don't have a QS205 here at the moment.
  4. H

    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    I disassembled it and assembled it again and the only possible cause seems to be that the noise is coming from the metal-to-metal teeth contacts between the pinion and spur gear. But it is only present when pedaling faster than the motor is turning. So it other words, the noise is only there...
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    Yes, maybe it will not make a big difference while riding, but I don't think it should be that noisy (like there are frogs inside ;-) ) while pedaling. The main reason why I choose the BBS02 was because I wanted a silent mid drive. And as the Chinese seller is not replying and I have no way to...
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    And how much pedaling resistance do you have with the chain off?
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    Can anybody which has a BBS02 maybe please take a video of it while pedalling without power?
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    No need to press in a bearing for the Lekkie cover. If the problem would be related to the cover there would be increased drag when the motor is turning. But that is not the case. There is only increased drag and noise when pedaling faster than the motor. Noise and drag when pedaling are still...
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    Unfortunately I have nothing to compare with as the motor is new and has never been ridden so far. But I would not expect difference in range to be significant because it is running fine. The problem is increased resistance and noise when pedalling especially with the motor disabled.
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    What do you mean with range? It is new and has never been ridden so far. Unfortunately seller is Chinese and does not reply.
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    No, not at all.
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    Now I removed the two lock rings inside the axle and this also did not change anything.
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    I just removed the nuts and it did not change anything.
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    I tightened it to 80Nm. That is what Cyberbikes recommends. Luna recommends even more. Bafang says 60Nm I think, but companies like Cyberbike and Luna say this is not enough to keep the motor in place.
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    And it is maybe 50 harder to turn the pedals with motor off than on a regular bicycle.
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    No, it is completely new and I already regreased it with Mobilith SHC 100 before even using it.
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    When powered and pedaling it sounds like this:
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    BBS02 noisy when pedaling with motor off

    The BBS02 is new, but is very noisy when pedaling with the motor disabled. Is this normal or is there a problem? Video: Watch unnamed | Streamable
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    High Quality Thumb Throttle

    I tried pretty much any thumb throttle available on platforms like aliexpress. Unfortunately they all feel quite cheap. Where can I find a potentiometer thumb throttle?
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    High Quality Thumb Throttle

    Unfortuanately all thumb thottles I used so far were from China, feel a bit cheap and easily break in a crash. Does anybody know a high quality thumb throttle?
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    Where to find EnduroTemp 260+ Winding Wire?

    Does anybody know a source where to get EnduroTemp 260+ winding wire without having to buy several tons? I need about 10-20lbs, but I did not find it anywhere.
  22. H

    BBS02 loud noise once per pinion rotation

    No, it was something different. As mentioned before, once per Nylon gear rotation. I just uploaded it here again: In the meantime I replaced the Nylon gear (although motor was completely...
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    BBS02 loud noise once per pinion rotation

    Today I ran my BBS02 the first time. Unfortunately it has a loud noise once per pinion rotation. Video below. I think the nylon gear is on the same shaft as the pinion, so it is also once per nylon gear rotation. The motor is new, just regreased. Video: Watch V_20240229_232626_ES3 | Streamable...
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    BBS02 Lekkie Grease Port

    I replaced the original drive cover of my BBS02 by the Lekkie drive cover. The BBSHD cover grease port can be closed by screw. The BBS02 cover grease port however not. How did you guys seal that grease port while riding?