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  1. weezthejuice

    CF or Glass Fiber over PVC Pipe

    I'm curious if this project ever progressed into the experimental stage. Any photos to share? If you check out my signature links, you can see how I pursued a similar path using plywood as a substrate for S-glass and epoxy. I chose plywood in part because I wanted the extra stiffness and...
  2. weezthejuice

    The Wood Chopper

    On the plywood grade question, I used 1/2" birch ply from Home Depot. I chose it because it was hardwood and didn't look to be riddled with voids. Plus, I wanted an attractive surface since I knew I didn't want to paint it. Marine ply seemed overkill, and I sealed the end-grain with epoxy, plus...
  3. weezthejuice

    The Wood Chopper

    Cheers everyone. There's some truth to the "when all you have is a jigsaw" comment. I've also done a lot of work on cold-molded boats, so fiberglass is a familiar friend. Mostly though, I'm just too cheap to buy a frame with the riding geometry I was curious to try. I did a lot of learning...
  4. weezthejuice

    The Wood Chopper

    Latest changes: -- Added fiberglass skin to the outside of the frame, which stiffened it up significantly. This removed the minor flex I was getting when I'd waggle the handlebars while at a stop. It also just adds stoutness to the rear "legs" so I don't have to worry about cracking the frame...
  5. weezthejuice

    The Wood Chopper

    The beauty and the danger of a wood bike is you can keep adding as much stuff to it as you have screws and scraps. Here's a little buddy seat I built for my boy. The bars and upholstery come off an old lawn chair.
  6. weezthejuice

    Cold molded plywood/fiberglass ebike build

    The wuddbike in its final form. Pretty great little ride and nimble as all getout.
  7. weezthejuice

    The Wood Chopper

    This is the sequel to my cold molded plywood ebike. "Long, low, and slack," I heard. I really love the original bike, but COVID makes you crazy and I started to get curious. Total project cost was around $50 for the plywood and other little bits, but all the components just swapped over from the...
  8. weezthejuice

    Cold molded plywood/fiberglass ebike build

    After several hours of sanding and reapplying epoxy and varnish, here is the wuddbike in its (mostly) final form. On this day, I put the removable front seat on and took the boy on a ride through the bike's natural habitat. Since the photo was taken, I did swap the seat cushion material again...
  9. weezthejuice

    electric bike with sidecar all in one

    This is really cool. Have you had any passengers in the sidecar? Those almost look like little benches for a passel of critters to tag along. Do the motors operate on independent throttles, or have you figured out some combined control scheme? Did you make your own disc brake mount and rotors...
  10. weezthejuice

    Cold molded plywood/fiberglass ebike build

    Thanks for chiming in. It's true, the lockdown was a contributor to this what I can only call obsessive pursuit. The real driver though was curiosity. The glass is S-2 5.6 oz fabric from TAP, which is supposed to be somewhat stronger than average and is said to be suited for aerospace and...
  11. weezthejuice

    Cold molded plywood/fiberglass ebike build

    The tweaks and enhancements begin. Here I've added suspension to the seat and changed the padding, which totally solved my comfort problem. Then, in an attempt to use the whole animal, I repurposed a leftover donor frame section, combined with some parts from an old lawn chair, to make a...
  12. weezthejuice

    Cold molded plywood/fiberglass ebike build

    Thanks. I struggled with the wheelbase and rake decisions and take your point. This one has a 48" base, which was between my large frame Marin hybrid (44") and my long tail cargo electric Radwagon (54") so I figured I was in safe territory. A little more rake might be welcome, but I wasn't sure...
  13. weezthejuice

    Cold molded plywood/fiberglass ebike build

    Submitted for the approval of the ebike society . . . Hello all. Glad to have this forum for inspiration and advice. My love affair with ebikes is recent but hot. After seeing a plywood minibike built by a user on Reddit...