The only chargers I have experience with, is the Meanwell HLG series led drivers:
HLG-240H-LED Driver Power Supply Solution - MEAN WELL
They come in lower and higher wattage variants, so the HLG-
240H-54A(red text) is rated for 240 watts output.
Here is a search of ES for "Meanwell":
Search results for query: meanwell
These are switch mode power supplies, for driving led's, as such, they have an
adjustable CC/CV(constant current/constant voltage) output, perfect for charging lithium batteries.
IP65/IP67 rated, no fan, you could leave it out in the rain!(not while charging, of course)
Typical lifetime >62000Hr.
Caveats, you have to adjust the output voltage to match the terminating voltage of your pack before using it the first time!
So LiFePO4, 3.6v per cell, X 14 = 50.4v
Or for a conservative ~80% charge of 3.4v per cell, 47.6v.
The HLG-240H-54A has a DC range of ~27-54v, that is the last two numbers in the model number(HLG-240H-
Oh, and make sure you get an "A" model(last char in the model name), they have the adjustable CC/CV.
I run mine at about 50-75% of the rated output current, just so they run cooler.
You can set the current/voltage with multimeter.