A touch throttle for e-bikes


1 µW
Apr 12, 2024
Puerto Rico
Instructions for construction and use here:
A Touch Throttle for E-Bikes
The project is released as open hardware.

There are two documents. One describes a general circuit that can be modified for a particular application with a design example, the other document is a suggested step by step procedure to make one.
reduce the strain of fighting the mighty resistance of the throttle spring?
I get worn out just doing one rep of the remote control lift when I have to change channels watching television.
Some controllers support cruise control, which also avoids that. That said, my only accident and only broken leg so far were due to a crash that happened while on cruise control and I looked down to adjust a light.
reduce the strain of fighting the mighty resistance of the throttle spring?
I get worn out just doing one rep of the remote control lift when I have to change channels watching television.
One of the great things about ebikes is that hey help open up biking to folks with physical impairments.