I'm posting this thread because a certain number of people here want to talk about AGW being real or not.
These people like to duke it out all over ES, flooding threads where people would rather discuss the topic of the thread instead.
We don't like it because it ruins the discussion quality of this site.
Moderators now have the right to move all co2 debate posts to this thread.
Members who want to debate this topic are asked to contain these posts to this thread. If they don't, their posts may be moved here, or deleted at moderator's discretion.
So in short, here's where the debate goes on from now on.
Without further ado..

These people like to duke it out all over ES, flooding threads where people would rather discuss the topic of the thread instead.
We don't like it because it ruins the discussion quality of this site.
Moderators now have the right to move all co2 debate posts to this thread.
Members who want to debate this topic are asked to contain these posts to this thread. If they don't, their posts may be moved here, or deleted at moderator's discretion.
So in short, here's where the debate goes on from now on.
Without further ado..