Not much to report yet, still trying to get the bike together enough to do a 1.5Kw test on the pack,.. not all that much but a start.
Lots to do yet, and more to come. :wink:
The silicone sheet 'spring' seems to be working, but I don't know how tight to turn the screws. Once it flattens out I can give them 1 - 2 more turns and it seems like a lot. What I need is a few dummy cells that have digital scale sensors inside to tell me what the load is. Otherwise, it's just trial and error.
If I build another pressure box like this, some improvements would be to 3D print the mid-section & sides, and with more clearance on the top and bottom for 'angle'-copper bus strips to pass more current, and provide room for more B+ & B- output wires.
Pulling all the current from just one side of the bus is not the best arrangement, unless the bus copper is plenty thick enough.
I think I'll be alright with the loads I'll be using most of the time on this pack.
Another idea, just incase internal pack heat ever became an issue, is to use an aluminum plate for the bus-side, with combs or fingers to draw heat out between the cells. (thru-bolt holes) Just a thought.