Bafang1000W 250W Motor Ebike Conversion Kit Electric Bicycle Mid Drive Engine


1 µW
Nov 18, 2024
Good morning too all. I have some project to build electric bike myself. Since I am good in welding I made that job well but when its come to electric I am not some exper, That is reason why I am here :) To make long story short I want to buy this Electric engine from Ali -
Anyone have experience with this one? Or you have any better suggestions? Thanks Folks!
... I would stay away from that shop.

Smells like a scam site...

Just few months old... only 92% positive feedback.

I wanted to go and directly compare pricing with a more trustworthy shop like pswpower, but they've taken their entire inventory down it seems ( both Bafang as Tongshen categories are completely empty :( ).

I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come due to orange guy and his demented taxing of Murican consumers.

edit: Second link btw you give to questionable 'shops' on Ali. Also John if you may, what is your native language? For sure it's not English, even a Dutch guy like me can clearly see this :)

edit2: mhm, when I access the store through Ali itself, I get an empty inventory, but when accessing everything works as expected.


Anyway, sure there will be other more trustworthy sources then OP's probable scam link.
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