100 µW
hi I'm posting this in hopes it my help someone out there. I have an eskateboard that is from a company here in California, they are a pretty big company. three days ago I plugged it in to charge, I live in a studio, not 15 mins later I smelled something, the skateboard was smoking really bad. my first thought was to push it outside, I live on second story apt bldg. when I pushed it onto my porch I turned around got my dog and before I could exit. it blew up right in front of me, flames and all. I was now in apt and no way of getting out. long story short. my manager managed to push it away from my front door. it burned for over thirty minutes the fire dept came. the smoke created by this in my apt was horrible. I emailed the company the same day. I only wanted to let them know what had happened in hopes they would be interested in making sure it didn't happen to anyone else. I have the three email conversation with this company. it ended with the company saying throw it in the trash the battery was probably outsourced from china. I have pics of the board now. I have never written on a forum but am still in awe of this companies response. I have no problem saying what brand this was it clearly shows on the pics. though not sure if allowed to say on here. also any thoughts as to how to proceed with this thank you