Classic MAC Motor With Halls—What KT Controller?


100 W
Oct 12, 2011
Toronto Canada
Hi everyone. I have a classic Mac 8T from 2013ish that I would like to use in a 20” wheel. The MAC 8T has halls and I was hoping to use PAS.
Can I use a KT controller? There are so many controllers out there, was hoping to find something cheap and readily available.
MAC won't work well on most controllers due to the extremely high electrical RPM.

Cutler Mac sells replacement infineon clone controllers that are designed for this high eRPM, VESCs will probably also work.
MAC won't work well on most controllers due to the extremely high electrical RPM.

Cutler Mac sells replacement infineon clone controllers that are designed for this high eRPM, VESCs will probably also work.
I read a recent thread you made on this topic. Where did you buy your VESC? I am baffled that all the Infineon clones disappeared.
I bought my vesc from spintend, with the ewheel v3 adapter and the throttle and brake lever to match.

I'm also baffled the infineon controllers disappeared. They're old school, but great. There was even a sinewave version at one point.
Hi everyone. I have a classic Mac 8T from 2013ish that I would like to use in a 20” wheel. The MAC 8T has halls and I was hoping to use PAS.
Can I use a KT controller? There are so many controllers out there, was hoping to find something cheap and readily available.
Hi Degull.

Did you ever end up getting pas to work with the Mac 8t? I have a bike which has an 8T Mac motor with the upgraded phase wires (two wires per phase). 12 Fet controller, and cell_man's 52V triangle battery from 2012. All from cell_man. Loved it. But since moving interstate, and years passing by where I couldn't use my bike, the regulations I think now require pedal assist. Was wondering what my best option was to achieve this with my old setup. New controller and pas sensor? Or would a new cycle analyst V3 achieve this with my cell_man controller? I'm hoping you got your project sorted and have some advice.

