Hey everyone, there is a newer V1.1 beta software that is getting very close to having all desired features of the V1.1 release code and I'd love to have some people testing it out too. We have the windows build available here
MacOS will be ready very soon too, and we're working hard to have an Android port sorted not long after that.
EDIT: Now available here:
https://www.ebikes.ca/downloads/PhaserunnerSuite-macos-v1.1.0b6.dmg.zip ]
Here are 3 the major updates
1) Ability to Fetch Default Profiles for Multiple Motors. There have been a few suggestions that we should compile nicely tuned XML files for a number of motor types but we never got organized in a system for that so in this release we've built it right into the software itself. Click the "Import Defaults" button.
This brings up a window that lets you pick a setup of parameter defaults based on a motor manufacturer and model. There's a button to download these default parameter files from our webs server where you can pick and choose the ones that interest you
And after you've done that, then they stay in a local folder in the install directory of the software and can be selected from the dropdown menu.
Then it pre-populates all the fields with values that are appropriate for the motor so that in theory you could just run the setup trouble free, no need for autotune or anything. This default parameters list is a work in progress through, so we'll continue to tweak and refine the settings as we gain more insight and experience, and we can also include user submitted parameter settings for all kinds of other motors and setups.
2) Better Hall Mapping and Autotune Process We've done a lot of changes to give better visibility in what's going on with the hall mapping during the spinning autotune process and have fixed a number of situations that used to simply report 'hall error' without being more specific. Now it actually displays the map of what hall state is present at each rotor position during the spin test, and then you can see this in the dashboard view too.
It will now also work fine with 60 degree hall timing too. You can see then that the hall states 000 and 111 are both assigned to rotor positions rather than being blank.
3) Updated Variable Names and Address Sorting
We've also changed the names on a number of the parameters so that they are more sensibly grouped in the parameter listing, and have also added a separate "sort by address" option when viewing parameters which can speed up finding specific settings
Previously too on the Dev Screen all the communication between the controller and software was being shown in HEX format, while now we have it showing all the read data in parsed into english instead and then you can choose the hex view if you want.
It also gives an option to highlight and display all of the unsaved variables. This can be especially handy when you are loading on a new settings file over an existing phaserunner/baserunner since you can see a list of exactly what parameters are going to be changed if you save the settings.
Anyways we're hoping that these improvements go a long way to helping with the usability of the phaserunner/baserunner controller line and will appreciate any feedback.