Coronavirus Calculations
Because antibody tests are meant to be used on the general population, not just symptomatic people, they will, in most cases, have a lower percent-positive rate than viral tests. So blending viral and antibody tests “will drive down your positive rate in a very dramatic way,” he said.

Anyone else suspect from this that CDC - one of the finest scientific institutions we've ever created, right up there with NASA and the atomic labs - has been sabotaged by politically corrupt bureaucrats lately?
A Trumpista ex-friend of mine contacted me a few days ago talking up the "COVID test" he had his whole family go take.

He was pushing me to do the same, but when it turned out was just the antibody/ serum test rather than the actual viral test

I told him it would be useless for us personally.

"Sure but you're a patriot, right? The more people get tested the better right?"

Maybe I'm just being paranoid but. . .
Go wash your hands, your better off hosing down with bleach then standing in a lineup in a crowded room with other people, probably some minorities mixed in, who have traveled, and who now want to be tested.
markz said:
Go wash your hands, your better off hosing down with bleach then standing in a lineup in a crowded room with other people, probably some minorities mixed in, who have traveled, and who now want to be tested.
!!!!OMG!!!!! You have unclean, diseased MINORITIES in your area? What's this world coming to? Next thing you know they'll want to drink out of your water fountain.
I remember someone once said to me on this forum that sometimes my arguments are so good I should be an attorney, maybe this one of those :) .

I initially thought the the claims that the covid19 virus is going to hit India/Africa hard were dumb assumptions because viral based respiratory diseases have never seriously affected warm countries historically. The reason why the cold virus is called "the cold" is from the fact it's usually caught when it's cold.

In fact there is plenty of logical statistical data to show that Covid19 is SAVING MORE life in India etc than killing it.

If you compare the current total deaths of covid19 in India its currently just 3,583 which is remarkable for a country of over 1billion people who are mostly poor. India had strict lockdown rules just like other countries did.

But compare that to India's yearly estimated road/traffic deaths at a remarkable "299,091".
To sort the Wikipedia chart by highest fatalities to the top, just click on the "Total fatalities latest year".
So as long as India stays in strict lock down, they will save almost 1000 lives per day, from road deaths.

South Africa is 369 covid19 deaths.

China is similar at 256,180 annual road fatalities, what makes these numbers "acceptable" is the idea that these victims brought it onto them selves or it was an avoidable accident, more or less.

If I was in charge of the world the first thing I would probably do is make all cars hardwired to not exceed the top possible speed limit of the local road laws. The only cars that wouldn't have a hardwired limit would be for the race track only.

So in total for most of the world covid19 is inadvertently saving lives.

USA hit its annual road deaths peak in 1972 54,589.
In 2018 it was 36,560. It's still a remarkable number.

Hope it gives folks something to think about.

Meanwhile we've been asked to accept thousands of Americans dying every day, from this one cause.

Which crisis continues to be mishandled, more energy now going into spin efforts, making the data suspect, fighting the states actually trying to be effective,

right along with efforts suppressing legal solutions for safe voting for all.

He is so pathetic, transparently sad. . .
I wouldn't trust the #'s of any 3rd world about covid 19 infections or deaths. The only question you have to ask yourself is do you times their #'s by 10 or 100.
Including the US in that?

Actively trying to suppress the positive test numbers

every state having its own politically influenced variations on how the stats are reported.

Discouraging the use of the real virus test

trying to encourage now the (many types) near-useless antibody tests to get lower positive rates

trying to reduce credibility of WHO

and worst of all corrupting our once-brilliant CDC with political hacks,

mixing together the results of both test types so we no **longer can trust** the reported numbers!!

All because bad numbers "make him look bad" in trying to hold on to power, killing hundreds of thousands extra citizens as a result.

Banana Republic, for which it stands. . .
So here's the local guy I sort of know telling me this morning his job is back, his restaurant that wasn't doing takeout is reopening tonight, he'll be at the door checking ID, things back to 'Normal.' If people show up. This is about 3 blocks from the place that tried it 2 weeks ago, similarly had no take out but suddenly said come sit down. Didn't go, but I'm guessing there wasn't much turnout so they gave up. What will happen here?

Reminds me of the OTHER 'Twilight Zone' episode with William Shatner. Basically it discusses the power of fear mongering, as Shatner and his wife decide to push aside the dire predictions, there's another couple held prisoner by the warnings. In the end, who is really right? There's always a reason to hide, if you listen to those reasons.


I suppose some people think there's always reason to be brassy and dismissive. Such as Joe Biden again proved. 'Obey my fear mongering and step to the back of the bus. Oh, the one black man calling him out on it is a senate candidate. But I suppose if you want to say it's alright for Sleepy Joe to browbeat them to the back of the bus. . . .

I'm thinking maybe the guy feels he needs me to show up at his restaurant. . . .

markz said:
Might as well blame Russian interference, its all Putins fault.

Oh, you're forgetting it's not Russian interference anymore, it's Democratic White House interference. It's all Obama's fault. But you knew that all along.

john61ct said:
markz said:
Might as well blame Russian interference, its all Putins fault.
I see no relationship there at all?

He was making fun of you for your logic. The way you reason things out is just like that, so. . . .

Oh, you're playing dumb. Hard to tell sometimes. Carry on. But DO let him have his fun with you.
markz said:
No wonder, someone named HUSSEIN would do the nation wrong.
I know! He failed to put Trump in jail, thus allowing him to be elected president, to destroy the US Pandemic Response Team, and then to go golfing while tens of thousands of Americans died. And he knew that would happen! That evil, corrupt villain. THANKS OBAMA!
JackFlorey said:
. . . .to go golfing while tens of thousands of Americans died. . . . THANKS OBAMA!

You mean like the way Obama would leave the press conference about another American journalist getting his head cut off by ISIS to go golfing? Remember how people like you thought that was okay but got upset about that woman journalist who said something about it? Gee, whatever happened to her?

And Trump indeed went golfing for the first time in, oh, I'd have to look it and I won't do that for you trolls anymore.

Meanwhile, Obama TRIED to stop Trump. Are you forgetting all the crimes the Obama White House committed? He didn't do that to HELP Trump, he did it to HURT him. Even the press has taken to asking that Trump pardon Obama for his crimes.

in British Columbia the government wont say where the cases are located. we had 2517 cases and only 303 active right now.
South Korea studied so carefully as to figure out that the people catching it at one job spent their time mostly on one side of the room. And that while 25% of the dance fitness class regulars caught it, breathing 2-2.5 times above those in yoga and pilates who didn't catch it there, only 2.5% of those in contact with them caught it.

It's the opposite of 'The Andromeda Strain,' where breathing hard kept it from settling.

Would you believe I'm sitting in a downtown restaurant? Would you believe I'm sitting backwards? (No, I'm not sitting backwards )
markz said:
What does the BC government have to hide?
Obviously Vancouver and the surrounding cities would have the highest #

BC city populations.jpg

maybe that 95% of the deaths were in carehomes?

I don't even pay attention to this BS virus anymore but its hard not to, that's all you see and now THE SECOND WAVE IS GONNA KILL YOU. Alberta says vaccine wont be mandatory. we might wind up being neighbours Markz :lol: :lol: :lol:
goatman said:
Alberta says vaccine wont be mandatory.

Better not be. There ain't one to mandate.

So Cuomo is facing all sorts of things catching up with him, including the high number of those nursing home deaths. He's screaming "It ain't my fault, I gotta pass the buck."

Oh, it gets better. I remember some of you trolls were making fools of yourselves over Hydroxychloroquine. Here's an update. But answer the question: If it's okay with you for Governor Dumbo to take it, why do you have such a fit when Trump does?

This woman reminds me how much I miss Trey Gowdy.

Dauntless said:
If it's okay with you for Governor Dumbo to take it, why do you have such a fit when Trump does?
I have no interest in what anyone takes.

It is the **promotion** of a dangerous and unproven drug that is the sin.

So don't tell anyone, then take anything you like, or don't, so long as it doesn't harm others.

john61ct said:
I have no interest in what anyone takes.
john61ct said:
Turns out the fool's ostensibly taking hydroxychloroquine "to prevent" COVID-19

and worst of all admitting it publicly, just to set a bad example and kill even more people than he is already daily
It is the **promotion** of a dangerous and unproven drug that is the sin.
john61ct said:
Chloroquine useless in treating Covid-19, kills 17% of study participants

We need to let the scientist lead the way on science, insulate their work from political interference
So don't tell anyone, then take anything you like, or don't, so long as it doesn't harm others.

So let's see, you've shown a great interest in what someone takes, you've been anxious to make your own posting take the place of science and to shut those experts up, you've disputed the medical opinion. Or is the same person making all posts with this name rather than whomever is on staff at the moment?