Getting there

Elias lector

100 mW
Nov 12, 2023
Anytown usa
I've been told this is an emotorcycle eventhough it's much smaller. But since it will have no pedals I guess it is. My tig welder fried six mosfets so I'm awaiting the replacement. I'm still trying to figure out the swing arm as I want to do a cantilever suspension as well as keep the motor back there. This is a redo kinda, when I put the batteries on my older frame the buss bars were way to close to the frame. It would hit 76mph running only 85% of the stock tune. Trust me it's not as long as it appears the skeleton is only 5' tall.


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So I got a little carried away with the neck gussets.
Also had to throw a lift together, getting down on the floor to measure angles and whatnot really sucks. Next build I plan to make a proper frame jig but this works for now
Got the rough layout of the cells laid out. It's going to be 21s2p 16ah. Where I live that should be plenty. I am wondering if it is a good or horrible idea to put the bms between the cells like this. I do plan to bend aluminum to go around the outside then attach some 1/4" lexan to the sides. Maybe stupid, but I think it will be pretty cool to see all the buss bars and wires and such. I also have the swing arm almost complete just need to finalize the motor mounts and axle mounts, hopefully tonight I'll get that done.


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It might also be worth cosidering if you need to access/remove the BMS to replace it etc.
I took both points into consideration and I've opted to move the bms to the rear of the battery. Where the oil tank would be on a typical ice motorcycle. This battery pack lay out wasn't my original plan but someone saw my in progress pics, and now this bike that I spent months sourcing parts and planning out my design is sold before its even done. So now I'm trying to deside on my next my bike lol. If I want to go with a mid mount motor or a hub. I like the ability to change gear ratios with a mid but I also like how clean a hub can look. I'm between a qs 180 or 273 3.5t . I just need to figure out a relatively affordable controller, any suggestions for maybe a 96v??