Hi power inverter for Nissan leaf motor. Dyno's 302.3hp p15


1 TW
Apr 26, 2009
PM ME before ordering as I am always updating this

So as many have you have seen I have been working hard on a igbt driver board for some Fuji 800 amp 1200 volt igbts. This is my powerstage thread. I received a complete Nissan leaf
powertrain with no battery and I plan to put in in my rusty 1988 Honda CRX to try to make a fun electric commuter that I hope to progress into something that pulls like a tesla from 0-60 I do realize to be close to a P85D I will need a second motor for the rear wheels but I need to walk before I crawl.

So for this I will use Lebowski's brain at this point V2.3 looks good. So I will actually develop all of my builds based on v2.3 so The same brain can be used in anything. I build as I will be getting back on 2 different low voltage mosfet based controller builds in another thread.

The driver chip is an Avego ACPL-333J which has some very important features to keep this thing alive. The most important feature is Desaturation detection then a few others include a clamp feature and soft turn off during desaturation detection and under voltage lockout.

I will post the latest SCH and PCB file using Kicad in this post and I will do my best to keep it up to date. Anyone who wants to copy me can go ahead.
As this is DIY with experimental products anything can happen from a stuck throttle to electrical shorts causing fire! Anyone playing around with this needs to take big precautions to assure the safety of them self's and more importantly the others around them.

Here is the lest place I left off with the driver board design.

EDIT [strike]updated October 2 2016[/strike]
[strike]Update Feb 2 2017.[/strike]
Updated march 12 2017

Here is a link for all the parts to build 3 driver boards. NOTE: I put 50 of the 950 amp ac/dc current sensors on there just for referance as they are what I run. But you can run the 765 amp sensors you will just need to keep the peak phase amps lower.


I found a trace not connected from the -5v output of P5 so a jumper is needed (you can just jump to the pad for the VEE clamp) I will try to add pics for those who have ordered these boards. But for the rest I updated the files and I have ordered 3 sets so I can build and test/sell them.

The second pic is the new updated version.
This is a link to a for sale thread for anyone interested. https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=92039


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This post is for the brain board files and design.

Ok so here is round one. I just edited it I still have a few things to do.
All things not used will be tied to ground I will add labels later.
I put a connector for the 3 phase voltage measurement's and the main pack voltage although I do not plan to use them. I would add the circuits on a breakout board if needed.
I also added a inverting circuit for the fault pin from the driver to the brain because if there is a problem the desat in the driver chip will produce a HI signal but lebowski mentioned to tie it to the rest pin so the whole thing shunts down for a period of time. I think this is ok.
[strike]UPDATED OCTOBER 29th![/strike]

[strike]Updated October 02 2016[/strike]

Updated March 12 2017

Here is a link to a pick list from digikey it should cover most of the parts for the brain board.



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:Edited March 27 2017

The main power switches for this build are Fuji 1MBI800U4B-120
Or you can use 1MBI600U4B-120 as you can find them cheeper but you will be limited on power but its still fast. Its what all my videos have been up until March 27 2017.

I will make this post for the power stage build and buss bar assembly.

I will be editing this asap.

Edit: So the first thing you need to do once you have the driver boards built and tested is mount the IGBTs to the head sink and make all your buss bars and connectors. This part is fairly easy but will be time consuming.
Step 1. attach the driver boards to 2 IGBTs at a time and lay them out
NOTE it is very important to leave a bit of space from 1 phase to the next the driver boards will have full battery voltage potential between them
So I coat them with silicon conformal coating and try to leave a gap between them about 2 mm or more (but not to much.)

Step 2. is mark all the outside holes for the IGBTs to mount to the heat sink.
Step 3. drill and tap the outer holes in the heat sink then remove the driver boards from the igbts and mount the igtbs from the outer bolts you just drilled and tapped then mark the inner holes.
Step 4. drill and tap the inner holes.
Step 5. mount the igbts with bolts in all the holes and install the driver boards.
Step 6. will be to make the phase buss bar what I did is used a piece of this aluminum and welded a piece of round stock to it where it lines up to go though the current sensor. I also added some extra aluminum to add for thermal mass and extra current handling. As a rule a 1"x1" square piece of aluminum can handle 700 amps continuous and copper would be 1000 amps. So remember aluminum is about 70% of the current of copper per size.
NOTE when using different metals you need fancy washers or you need something to stop the air from getting to it. I used CP70 but its a crazy good silicone grease so good nothing will ever stick to it again. So do that last.
For Steps 7 and 8 you want to use the cap to line things up I used the OEM leaf cap as its bad ass!
Step 7. make the Positive buss bar I made min to join all 3 high side IGBTs together and to the cap at once.
Step 8. make the negative bus bars. I have pictures of what worked best for me. I tried 1awg wire with lugs crimped on it. DO NOT USE WIRE! it caused way more ringing in the drivers and the switching was much more ugly. FLAT BUS BAR FOR THE WIN!
Step 9. make the jumper that goes from the emmiter of the IGBT on the bus bar and Jumps to the emitter on the driver boards make it as short as possible as it will need to be a low inductance link.
Step 10. make the jumper for the desat detection for the high side. It only carries about .010 amps so thin wire is ok but make sure it is strong enough and has stress relief. This goes to the collector on the high side IGBT.
Step 11. Make the bus bars to join the phase outputs to the wires for the motor Its recomended to make laminated buss with the three phases but if you don't have the means I used 3 1awh welding cable chunks and it seems ok. Just make sure you use stress relief and Supports and somethign to prevent chafing.
Step 12 when you have all the bus bars made use glyptal and paint them masking the plases where bolts go and they need to conduct. This will help prevent things from arcing if something goes wrong.
Step 13 find a cap bleed resistor I believe mine is a 15 watt 65k ohm work the math for your system and make sure its over rated a lot because this will be conducting any time you have the controller live. Its there to drain the cap when not in use and its very important.
Step 14 at this point you are ready to assemble all the buss bars and wires and start doing PWM tests.
What you will test is PWM signals at the gates make sure they look right make sure you get -5v off and +13-14v on. You will need a scope for this.
Then you will look that they are on for the full 50% duty cycle that you set them to in the brain.
Step 15 test the desat on all 6 stages. The 3 low sides are tested by removing the phase buss bar I linked low side desat though the bus bar.
The high side is just unhooking the wire you made from the high side collector.
Step 16 make sure desat triggers the arduino or what every you used and this needs to shut down the brain. I linked mine to the reset pin and this requires a key cycle to let you know something is wrong and make sure you shut things off before trying again. Don't keep trying if the desat triggers in normal use something is wrong FIX it!
I added this video to help describe how to get it together.


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This post will be how all the parts come together mechanically.


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Leaf OEM cap is a big Poly cap. Its a 1186 uf SH Film cap from Panasonic. It looks from the Xray as there is many caps inside it.
I used the oem cap from the oem inverter seen here. http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/03/f13/ape006_burress_2013_o.pdf


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Excitedly watching your project my friend. :)
I will make this post a list of steps to take to make one of these form start to finish.

1 Order boards and all parts I will try to keep an updated list in the posts above.
2 Use 63-37 solder past and put some on all smd pads on the top
3 follow the files and put all the smd parts on the top pads then put the boards in the reflow oven.
4 install all smd parts by hand on the bottom of the boards also take note I found some copper washers to space the boards up a bit.
5 Install all through hole parts.
6 Install the Red and black wires to each driver board and the brain board for + and - which is + 15 and 0 on the brain board and 12.4v on the drivers.
7 Set up the voltage regulators on the brain the DC/DC supplies on the brain board are non regulated so to get the voltage out you want you will use a regulator setup on the input to the 12/5v and the 12/9v supplies you want 5.4v on the brain when its installed set it to about 5.6 with the brain chip out then disconnect power and install it and measure it again. Set the other 12-9v dc/dc up to put 10v out when the three phase ribbons are connected to the three driver boards.
*** NOTE remember the brain board is something you hook your computer to and something you will be touching and it needs to always be isolated from the drivers. All signals go to the center of the driver boards and that is a isolated section from the driver board outputs.
8 Once you are sure you have the votages setup on all the sections you will want to test them so you should see 5.4 on the off transistors on the drivers and ~16v on the on transistors. There is 2 of each on each driver board 1 16v and 1 5.4v on each side.
9 The next step is to make a RS232 adapter plug so you can hook up the Serial to USB adapter.
10 once you have the RS232 working you will need to install a terminal program Lebowski showed me to use Realterm see video
11 once you have that setup power up the brain board and make sure you can comunicate with you computer.
12 Make ribbon cables for the Drivers they are the three across the top.
13 power up the brain and drivers with the drivers atached to the IGBTs and WITH NO power on the inverter section yet. Use the Realterm program and set the brain up and go to the menu A and setup the PWM then test the pwm Use your oscilloscope to test PWM at all 6 gates on the IGBTS
** NOTE the ground leads on the Oscilloscope are attached in the scope it self they share a ground and its also attached to the ground on the electrical cord on the scope power. FOR THIS REASON just test 1 section with 1 probe at a time its all you will need. If you need to use the scope for any thing else you need differential probes that will isolate the grounds and provide you with life safety if you need to work on the HV side.
14 See pictures for what the gate signal should look like. IN short the signal should turn on from -5 to + 14v (roughly) at the gate and it should be a smooth rounded curve going up then the down curve will start sharp and curve then right at the end ~ 2v before full off at -5v it will have a sharper drop where the clamp engages.
15 Make ribbon wires up for throttle and regen which has a setup and reset on it so you can run buttons inside the car
16 Make up hall ribbon wire and connect it to the hall sensors or UVW encoder
17 Make up desaturation detection ribbon wire and run it to connect to the Arduino you have to monitor desat.
18 Connect power to the Desat arduino and test it to make sure it turns off the controller (holds reset)
19 when the desat arduino is working you will do a PWM test mode by powering up the brain and drivers with the 15v supply NO POWER FROM THE TRACTION PACK YET! While doing PWM test mode you should be able to start it and stop it then disconnect any of the 3 hi side desat connecors from the HIGH SIDE IGBT COLLECTOR and it should trigger the desat shutting down the system making the arduino flash the led 1 2 or 3 pulses to show which phase had a desat event. Test this for all 6 stages. To test low side desat you will want to power down then remove the phase out bus bar.

20 once all of that is done you can calibrate the throttle and make sure the rest of the controller is programmed.
Don't worry about the FOC and current sensor measurements just yet. Make sure the throttle seems good and double check all other parts of the system
21 Use a low voltage battery to start and you can power up the controller then precharge the main controller cap to something about 1/4- 1/10th of the voltage your designed your system for. You can now go into setup mode and set the battery voltage then calibrate the current sensors then go to the FOC menu and run the FOC measurement. After this you can set the hall menu to calibrate the halls and save it all with online parameter save enabled.
At this point make sure you are ready as you can calibrate the halls. You will reset the controller and give light throttle and it should self start in sensor-less mode. The it will spin at a low speed and read the hall signals. IF IT DOES NOT SELF START DO NOT GIVE IT FULL THROTTLE INSTEAD YOU CAN TRY TO SPIN THE MOTOR BY HAND AND APPLY LIGHT THROTTLE.
22 after the halls are calibrated it should show all the leds lit up for a bit and then all go out it will go back to drive 1 while it waits for you to let go of the throttle.
After this you will want to use the computer and go back into the setup menu and check the hall data make sure they have high confidence 7 is the best and I always get 7 but I spent a lot of time testing with shielded wire etc to get that.
23 you can now try to run the motor and tune the sensor-sensor-less transitions etc.
24 when you think you have it as good as you can get it running at lower voltage you can add more voltage. NOTE every time you add voltage you will need to change things in almost every menu. The most important are the battery and setup menus.

NOTE I will edit this as I remember things I forgot to mention.

This video should help you understand some of the setup.

Ok so I originally planned to use locking 10 pin connectors. Then I got some coming but they are big they will work on the driver stage boards. But the brain needs something smaller. What do you guys think about the XG4C header with this for a locking connector? http://www.digikey.ca/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&itemSeq=159904197&uq=635499731549500041&CSRT=4062682751913402779
digikey # OR1129-ND
I would just like something small but locking to I can not have to worry about it.
OK here is a up dated version using the smallest locking 10 pin connectors I can find.
I put holes for mounting the board on all 4 corners.


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Ok as 7c pointed out a few things and I found a couple to make it better my self. I changed some things around. I tried really hard to get the 5v trace to stay on the top as much as I could.
1 I added caps to the isolated supplies both on the in and out.
2 I put the battery measurement and the phase measurement on a 10 pin. It will be omitted for all my builds but in the event someone wants it its there and every one has a 5v com ground across from it so it will help keep the signal clean in the ribbon cable and help you if you want to make an off board rc filter or circuit to keep the phase voltages below 5v with some resistors and zeners which you must do if you use the phase voltage measurement.
Also the resistors on the board connecting all phase voltages and battery measurement should be tied to ground when not in use but the resistor can be replaced with a cap to make an rc filter if the circuit is used.
3 I made the foot print big for all 10 pin connectors to be able to use the locking connectors I posted.
4 The Reset and Setup tracks run to the TPS 10 pin so you can run them out of the enclosure
5 the leds are though hole so you can just run wires out to where ever you want if you don't want the leds on the board.
6 I got rid of some traces on the bottom and made all bottom traces short as possible only going to the bottom for the littlest time possible.
7 I made a inverting circuit so I can feed the fault signal from the drivers to the reset pin. Maybe one day lebowski will utilize the fault pin but for now that will work.
I also made a few other changes I forget about.
Now do you guys think all the 47uf caps can be something lower like a 4.7uf or a 10uf?? The 47 uf in a 0805 is big and might not fit also expensive.
If you guys don't see any thing I need to change buy tomorrow after noon I will order after I'm done teaching.


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Added resistors to pins 18 and 22 to hold to ground and run 18 to the tps housing so it can be used if lebowski adds something to it in the future.


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Arlo1 said:
Ok so I originally planned to use locking 10 pin connectors. Then I got some coming but they are big they will work on the driver stage boards. But the brain needs something smaller. What do you guys think about the XG4C header with this for a locking connector? http://www.digikey.ca/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&itemSeq=159904197&uq=635499731549500041&CSRT=4062682751913402779
digikey # OR1129-ND
I would just like something small but locking to I can not have to worry about it.

The Digikey search on OR1129-ND came up with a 10=5x2 cable side free lead header to hold female crimps.
Will you try flat ribbons or go direct to making twisted pair cables?

What part number will you fit to the PCB for 5x2 male pin header block with locking ears??
7circle said:
Arlo1 said:
Ok so I originally planned to use locking 10 pin connectors. Then I got some coming but they are big they will work on the driver stage boards. But the brain needs something smaller. What do you guys think about the XG4C header with this for a locking connector? http://www.digikey.ca/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&itemSeq=159904197&uq=635499731549500041&CSRT=4062682751913402779
digikey # OR1129-ND
I would just like something small but locking to I can not have to worry about it.

The Digikey search on OR1129-ND came up with a 10=5x2 cable side free lead header to hold female crimps.
Will you try flat ribbons or go direct to making twisted pair cables?

What part number will you fit to the PCB for 5x2 male pin header block with locking ears??
No the plan is for ribbon cable.
So it needs to be the xg4 series.
Ok I found XG4M-1030-U which should work. It has the locks come from the top and saves board space.
Digikey # OR910-ND

Arlo1 said:
Ok I found XG4M-1030-U which should work. It has the locks come from the top and saves board space.
Digikey # OR910-ND


That part looks like a special ribbon to panel mount with retaining clip/ears.
"Rectangular Connectors - Free Hanging, Panel Mount"

For pcb male header with ears wouldn't
"OR880-ND XG4A-1031"

Or any of these be what you need.
digikey 10pin male pcb header with retainers clips

This one looks like smaller ears/clips "Latch, Short/Eject Hooks"
"609-4494-ND 71918-210LF"

Too many to choose from.

But make sure you get matching ribbon side to suit.
Yes I will post later I think I have it. I can't use the OR880-ND XG4A-1031 on the brain as they are HUGE! look at the data sheet. I think the XG4M-1030-U will work with XG4C-1031 mounted on the board.
the other type to consider



or similar with no side wastage
OK quick warning. I need to edit the SCH and PCB files so DONT USE THEM :) But here is some progress. [youtube]WuNrohfgRXI[/youtube]
SjwNz said:
Hi Arlo1
When i was doing deSat tests I saw currents of 1500amps going through a single TO-247 device. I thought
I was measuring something wrong but in the end the currents I saw were correct.
Made me get all excited.
What's the part number?

Seems a little high but I have seen some cool stuff its truly amazing how many electrons a tiny mosfet can flow though it.
Awesome work Arlo!! You are building the future of hotrodding! I'm so excited to see what a LEAF motor does with serious power fed into it. :)
liveforphysics said:
Awesome work Arlo!! You are building the future of hotrodding! I'm so excited to see what a LEAF motor does with serious power fed into it. :)
Thanks Luke I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you my friend.
I don't think this design will be able to find the limits of the leaf motor but I am hopping to get a little more torque and extend it to a much higher rpm giving a much higher HP then the OEM. inverter.
If I can keep the IGBTs cold I will be able to really push it but that might be a challenge in it self.
But the next design might be even better. Just like Ryan says "wait till next year" ;)
Arlo1 said:
SjwNz said:
Hi Arlo1
When i was doing deSat tests I saw currents of 1500amps going through a single TO-247 device. I thought
I was measuring something wrong but in the end the currents I saw were correct.
Made me get all excited.
What's the part number?

Seems a little high but I have seen some cool stuff its truly amazing how many electrons a tiny mosfet can flow though it.

I am using the IRFP4468PBF and basing my small 6fet controller on the same gate driver chip as you 333j.
I have experimented with the 4468 and its a good fet bang for buck!!
Its ALIVE :)

Here is as much of the set up menus as ES will let me load.
#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> z 

a) save data to ROM for motor use
b) print data in HEX format
c) enter data in HEX format
d) online parameter save: disabled

z) return to main menu

------> a 

a) save data to ROM for motor use
b) print data in HEX format
c) enter data in HEX format
d) online parameter save: disabled

z) return to main menu

------> [00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]

#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> b
a) current sensor transimpedance: 1.37 mV/A
b) maximum motor phase current: 79.9 A
c) maximum battery current, motor use: 99.9 A
d) maximum battery current, regen: 0.0 A

e) autocomplete

f) HF current, base level (HF only): 0.8 A
g) HF current, proportional factor (HF only): 1.0000
h) maximum phase current in drive 2 (HF only): 37.9 A
i) phase current for forcing motor position: 29.9 A
j) maximum shutdown error current, fixed: 19.9 A
k) maximum shutdown error current, proportional: 9.8 A
l) applied braking current (phase) on direction change: 0.0 A
m) offset filtering (phase) current limit: 0.0 A

z) return to main menu

------> f 
new value -> 1.5 

a) current sensor transimpedance: 1.37 mV/A
b) maximum motor phase current: 79.9 A
c) maximum battery current, motor use: 99.9 A
d) maximum battery current, regen: 0.0 A

e) autocomplete

f) HF current, base level (HF only): 1.4 A
g) HF current, proportional factor (HF only): 1.0000
h) maximum phase current in drive 2 (HF only): 37.9 A
i) phase current for forcing motor position: 29.9 A
j) maximum shutdown error current, fixed: 19.9 A
k) maximum shutdown error current, proportional: 9.8 A
l) applied braking current (phase) on direction change: 0.0 A
m) offset filtering (phase) current limit: 0.0 A

z) return to main menu

------> z 

#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> z 

a) save data to ROM for motor use
b) print data in HEX format
c) enter data in HEX format
d) online parameter save: disabled

z) return to main menu

------> a 

a) save data to ROM for motor use
b) print data in HEX format
c) enter data in HEX format
d) online parameter save: disabled

z) return to main menu

------> z 

#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> [00][00]

#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> b 

a) current sensor transimpedance: 1.37 mV/A
b) maximum motor phase current: 79.9 A
c) maximum battery current, motor use: 99.9 A
d) maximum battery current, regen: 0.0 A

e) autocomplete

f) HF current, base level (HF only): 1.4 A
g) HF current, proportional factor (HF only): 1.0000
h) maximum phase current in drive 2 (HF only): 37.9 A
i) phase current for forcing motor position: 29.9 A
j) maximum shutdown error current, fixed: 19.9 A
k) maximum shutdown error current, proportional: 9.8 A
l) applied braking current (phase) on direction change: 0.0 A
m) offset filtering (phase) current limit: 0.0 A

z) return to main menu

------> i 
new value -> 20 

a) current sensor transimpedance: 1.37 mV/A
b) maximum motor phase current: 79.9 A
c) maximum battery current, motor use: 99.9 A
d) maximum battery current, regen: 0.0 A

e) autocomplete

f) HF current, base level (HF only): 1.4 A
g) HF current, proportional factor (HF only): 1.0000
h) maximum phase current in drive 2 (HF only): 37.9 A
i) phase current for forcing motor position: 19.9 A
j) maximum shutdown error current, fixed: 19.9 A
k) maximum shutdown error current, proportional: 9.8 A
l) applied braking current (phase) on direction change: 0.0 A
m) offset filtering (phase) current limit: 0.0 A

z) return to main menu

------> i 
new value -> 15 

a) current sensor transimpedance: 1.37 mV/A
b) maximum motor phase current: 79.9 A
c) maximum battery current, motor use: 99.9 A
d) maximum battery current, regen: 0.0 A

e) autocomplete

f) HF current, base level (HF only): 1.4 A
g) HF current, proportional factor (HF only): 1.0000
h) maximum phase current in drive 2 (HF only): 37.9 A
i) phase current for forcing motor position: 14.8 A
j) maximum shutdown error current, fixed: 19.9 A
k) maximum shutdown error current, proportional: 9.8 A
l) applied braking current (phase) on direction change: 0.0 A
m) offset filtering (phase) current limit: 0.0 A

z) return to main menu

------> j 
new value -> 30 

a) current sensor transimpedance: 1.37 mV/A
b) maximum motor phase current: 79.9 A
c) maximum battery current, motor use: 99.9 A
d) maximum battery current, regen: 0.0 A

e) autocomplete

f) HF current, base level (HF only): 1.4 A
g) HF current, proportional factor (HF only): 1.0000
h) maximum phase current in drive 2 (HF only): 37.9 A
i) phase current for forcing motor position: 14.8 A
j) maximum shutdown error current, fixed: 29.9 A
k) maximum shutdown error current, proportional: 9.8 A
l) applied braking current (phase) on direction change: 0.0 A
m) offset filtering (phase) current limit: 0.0 A

z) return to main menu

------> z 

#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> a 

a) PWM frequency: 5kHz
b) deadtime: 7999ns
c) dutycycle testsignal: 50%
d) toggle high side polarity, now active HIGH
e) toggle low side polarity, now active HIGH
f) test PWM signals

g) autocomplete

h) loop sample frequency: 9.00 kHz

z) return to main menu

------> z 

#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> zz 

a) save data to ROM for motor use
b) print data in HEX format
c) enter data in HEX format
d) online parameter save: disabled

z) return to main menu

------> a 

a) save data to ROM for motor use
b) print data in HEX format
c) enter data in HEX format
d) online parameter save: disabled

z) return to main menu

------> [00][00][00]

#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> k 

a) autocomplete

  phase control loop, recovery
b) 1st order: 0
c) 2nd order: 120.0000
d) 3rd order: 3.0000
  amplitude control loop, recovery
e) 1st order: 240
f) 2nd order: 12.0000
g) 3rd order: 0.0000
h) pulse when current drops below: 2.3 A
i) pulse width: 87 usec
j) pulse % for exit: 95
k) pulse % filter 50% step response time: 30.0 msec
l) speed filter 50% step response time: 7.0 msec
m) try restart for: 499 msec
n) check for spinning motor, drive_0: enabled
o) check for throttle closed, drive_0: enabled
  exit from startup to recovery at current
p) current to check: total current
q) fixed part: 9.8 A
r) proportional to throttle current, factor: 150 %
s) current filter 50% step response time: 5.0 msec

z) return to main menu

------> a 

a) autocomplete

  phase control loop, recovery
b) 1st order: 0
c) 2nd order: 120.0000
d) 3rd order: 3.0000
  amplitude control loop, recovery
e) 1st order: 240
f) 2nd order: 12.0000
g) 3rd order: 0.0000
h) pulse when current drops below: 3.9 A
i) pulse width: 87 usec
j) pulse % for exit: 95
k) pulse % filter 50% step response time: 30.0 msec
l) speed filter 50% step response time: 7.0 msec
m) try restart for: 499 msec
n) check for spinning motor, drive_0: enabled
o) check for throttle closed, drive_0: enabled
  exit from startup to recovery at current
p) current to check: total current
q) fixed part: 15.9 A
r) proportional to throttle current, factor: 150 %
s) current filter 50% step response time: 5.0 msec

z) return to main menu

------> i 
new value -> 30 

a) autocomplete

  phase control loop, recovery
b) 1st order: 0
c) 2nd order: 120.0000
d) 3rd order: 3.0000
  amplitude control loop, recovery
e) 1st order: 240
f) 2nd order: 12.0000
g) 3rd order: 0.0000
h) pulse when current drops below: 3.9 A
i) pulse width: 29 usec
j) pulse % for exit: 95
k) pulse % filter 50% step response time: 30.0 msec
l) speed filter 50% step response time: 7.0 msec
m) try restart for: 499 msec
n) check for spinning motor, drive_0: enabled
o) check for throttle closed, drive_0: enabled
  exit from startup to recovery at current
p) current to check: total current
q) fixed part: 15.9 A
r) proportional to throttle current, factor: 150 %
s) current filter 50% step response time: 5.0 msec

z) return to main menu

------> zz 

#   (c)opyright 2014, B.M. Putter      #
#   Adliswil, Switzerland              #
#   bmp72@hotmail.com                  #
#                                      #
#  version 2.30                        #
#  experimental, use at your own risk  #

0) mode: HF tone
a) PWM parameters
b) current settings
c) throttle setup
d) erpm limits
e) battery
f) current sensor calibration
g) control loop coefficients
h) filter bandwidths
i) FOC motor impedance
j) CAN setup
k) recovery only
l) hall sensored only
m) miscellaneous
z) store parameters in ROM for motor use

------> z 

a) save data to ROM for motor use
b) print data in HEX format
c) enter data in HEX format
d) online parameter save: disabled

z) return to main menu

------> a 

a) save data to ROM for motor use
b) print data in HEX format
c) enter data in HEX format
d) online parameter save: disabled

z) return to main menu

------> [00][00][00]
