Hmm, not sure where you are getting your information from. The primary reason I am going with KMX is because of their durability. They are rated for 300 pounds. That is not a light load. Heck, guys are jumping them. The frames are chromoly. Very tough stuff. Also, I have no plans on anything for the highway. This will be a neighborhood blaster that will be mainly high accelleration. Suspension is nice, but not in the equasion for cost, space, and "Not needed for this project" reasons.
Will it be costly? Yes. However, I am a dealer for KMX, Astro Flight, Castle Creations controllers, and Lipo packs. I can build this and sell it for retail price of everything without any labor at all and still make a decent proffit.
At any rate, I think you are missing the point here, to a degree.
This type of trike is not for everyone. But, hey, it will fill a niche.