Much more interested in getting the air-conditioning fitted for the first time since about 1998...
Oh, I understand that!
When I still had Yogi and Kirin, who liked to go places with me, I had been working out the design for an air-conditioned "horse trailer" for the dogs, kluging together an inverter and batteries to run a window-A/C unit to keep an insulated "box" cool even in the worst summer heat. With just JellyBean, who doesn't go anywhere, there's not much incentive to finish that idea and build it, but "someday".
I'd also been considering putting that on the trike directly instead, and making a "collapsible"/removable enclosure for the rider area of the trike, connected to the doggie/cargo area in back, so I could benefit from it, too.
This version is more likely to happen, but still not very.
Late fall, and winter here, can get down into the 30s or 40s F for lows, but the sun comes up and brings that up with it pretty quick most of the time. The highs are usually in the high 60s or 70s, sometimes even the 80s, with occasional rare excursions up to the 90s F, for as much as ~50F variance between the high and low for a day. :/