Hi All,
I'm about matching the Phase and Hall Sensor leads.
I've actually found 3 combinations between the Phase leads and Hall Sensors, which according to all the rules (motors runs smoothly without noise and consumes less than 2A without load) should be the correct combination. How it might be?
Here are the combinations:
Power Leads: | Hall Sensors
Motor <-> Controller | Motor <-> Controller
yellow <-> yellow | yellow <- blue
green <-> blue | green <- yellow
blue <-> green | blue <- green
Power Leads: | Hall Sensors:
Motor <-> Controller | Motor <-> Controller
yellow <-> blue | yellow <-> green
green <-> green | green <-> blue
blue <-> yellow | blue <-> yellow
Power Leads: | Hall Sensors:
Motor <-> Controller | Motor <-> Controller
yellow <-> green | yellow <-> yellow
green <-> yellow | green <-> green
blue <-> blue | blue <-> blue
Thank you!
I'm about matching the Phase and Hall Sensor leads.
I've actually found 3 combinations between the Phase leads and Hall Sensors, which according to all the rules (motors runs smoothly without noise and consumes less than 2A without load) should be the correct combination. How it might be?
Here are the combinations:
Power Leads: | Hall Sensors
Motor <-> Controller | Motor <-> Controller
yellow <-> yellow | yellow <- blue
green <-> blue | green <- yellow
blue <-> green | blue <- green
Power Leads: | Hall Sensors:
Motor <-> Controller | Motor <-> Controller
yellow <-> blue | yellow <-> green
green <-> green | green <-> blue
blue <-> yellow | blue <-> yellow
Power Leads: | Hall Sensors:
Motor <-> Controller | Motor <-> Controller
yellow <-> green | yellow <-> yellow
green <-> yellow | green <-> green
blue <-> blue | blue <-> blue
Thank you!