Motor shaking and making loud sounds, not sure where to pinpoint error.


1 µW
Nov 18, 2024
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Hello everyone,

So after a 20min heavy ride on my stealth bomber carrying lots of stuff in the back, the motor stopped working. The bike when I throttled accelerated for a fraction of a second and stopped.

I walked back home and the next morning when I tried it, I could accelerate but the problem was that when I accelerated, the motor was making an extremely loud noise, almost as if some gears inside were moving or something. It definitely didn't feel good to accelerate as I felt that I was destroying the motor. With it also came the entire bike vibrating a LOT.

The bike that was able to do 110kmh was now only able to do 20-30 with extremely loud noises and vibrating.

I opened the bike up and found no melted cables or disconnections, and everything seemed on par with what it usually looked like.
I have no idea what the problem could be, as it's still working but i doubt it's safe to be riding it like this.

To mention, I have a sabvoton 150a controller and a 5000W rear hub motor, coupled with a 72V battery.

If anyone knows what to do from here or what the error could be, it would be immensely appreciated.
Sounds like halls. Can the sabvoton run sensorless? if so, i would give sensorless a try. If it works fine ( other than pathetic low torque; typical of sensorless ), it's your halls.
Actual stealth bomber from stealthbikes in australia, or a clone? If so, which one? (link to it's source may help us help you troubleshoot)

What was different about this ride vs any of the ones without problems?

Did anything happen to the bike before or during this ride?
I opened the bike up

Did you open the motor, or some panels on the bike to view some wires?

What does the motor do/feel like when you rotate the wheel by hand (un-powered)? And when you run the motor with the wheel off the ground?